Game Info
Dreams is an absolutely enormous game, filled with ideas, creativity, and the unexpected. So where should you start? Right here!
This page is where you’ll find all the information you need to know about what Dreams is, what you can do in the game, and the ever-expanding Dreams experience. It’s your portal to understanding the potential of Dreams, and getting yourself started in the Dreamiverse. And there’s so much more here too! Need to get your hands on some gorgeous screenshots to treat your eyes? We’ve got 'em. Want to know more about the amazing content that Mm has made in Dreams? That’s right here too.
This section is all about the Play experience of Dreams. If you’re looking to find out more about DreamShaping, check out the Create section. We like to make things easy breezy for you. We’re nice like that.

Let's walk you through Dreams, the revolutionary multi-media creation and play experience from Media Molecule!

New to Dreams? Want to figure out how to play the coolest creations in the Dreamiverse? Then let us take you on an explanatory journey...

Need to know how to surf the Dreamiverse? Here's your one-stop shop for catching those digital waves!

Original games made in Dreams by the Mm team.

The Media section is your home for all things assets. Why not spruce up your life with Dreams related wallpapers and screenshots?

Have a question? Take a look at the oft-posed queries from our coMmunity and see if the answer you seek is here.

A summary of some of the settings we've created in Dreams with accessibility in mind.

This is where you'll find guides for the legal, copyright, and moderation processes in Dreams.

Have a question about DreamSurfing? Take a look at the oft-posed queries from our coMmunity and see if the answer you seek is there.
The Dreams User Guide is a work-in-progress. Keep an eye out for updates as we add more learning resources and articles over time.