How to Surf the Dreamiverse
The Dreamiverse is enormous: we know that, you know that, someone’s elderly grandma in the most remote part of the Outer Hebrides probably knows that. So how can you find what you’re looking for? And if you’re not sure what you’re looking for, where do you begin? Worry not, friends! We’re here to walk you through the process of searching the Dreamiverse, with some top tips on how to refine your searches to bring you exactly what you’re looking for. Like a search engine Santa Claus. Merry Dreamsmas!
To start with, we’ll walk you through the six categories featured on the DreamSurfing page of the game. These are a great place to start for any budding dreamers looking to jump into the Dreamiverse.
Mm Picks
The best of the best. Top of the Pops. The G.O.A.T. However you want to say it*, these creations are some of the best the Dreamiverse has to offer. A wild selection of historic wonders and modern classics, these creations will provide you with a well-rounded entry point for some of the best stuff to grace the Dreamiverse.
*G.O.A.T means Greatest Of All Time, just in case you're not down with the lingo. We weren't either until recently, so don't worry too much. If you’re wondering, personally we prefer G.O.A.T because it reminds us of goats. We bloody love goats.
A screenshot of the Mm Picks playlist in DreamSurfing, a curated playlist of some of the coolest Dreams, just for you! Well, and everyone else in the Dreamiverse.
Dreams by Genre
Dreams by Genre breaks down the dizzying variety of creations of the Dreamiverse into the genres they fit best into. This makes it easy for you to find the type of stuff you already know you’ll enjoy, and helps you quickly find a genre you haven’t experienced before too!
A screenshot of the Dreams by Genre playlist, which helps break down the massive amount of Dreams out there into easily-digestible genre categories. Handy, no?
Forever Popular
If popularity is your bag, then look no further than the Forever Popular playlist. As the name suggests, this is a series of some of the most popular Dreams of all time, ranging from Mm creations to coMmunity favourites, and even a few hidden gems. Even better, it will always surface Dreams that you haven’t seen before, so you’ll always find something different to discover.
A screenshot of the Forever Popular playlist, which shows showcases some of the greatest and most loved creations in the Dreamiverse. If you want the best of the best, here's where to start.
Featured Playlists Archive
Our curation team work really hard to bring you a selection of interesting weekly playlists, themed after a certain event, activity, or topic each time. Even better, when the playlists have been updated, they’re not gone forever. Nope - you can find them in the playlist archive, which has a ready-made, never-ending stream of amazingly curated Dreams, just for you. Well. You and the rest of the coMmunity.
A screenshot from the Featured Playlist Archive, where you can find previous ready-made themed playlists of Dreams that all share a connection.
CoMmunity Events
Here's where you'll go to play the results of all the lovely coMmunity events put on by us and our wonderful Dreamiverse creators. You'll find creations from the current CoMmunity Jam, and from a bunch of coMmunity-organised challenges for you to get involved in. It’s a great way to get involved and get to know some other dreamers.
A screenshot from the CoMmunity Events playlist, where you can find creations made by the coMmunity in response to given themes.
Awesome Accessibility
Here’s one for the whole family. Here you'll find games that have additional accessibility features, and a whole section of family-friendly Dreams, so if you want to show off Dreams to the younger folk in your life, or just want something that’s guaranteed to be a little bit more wholesome, this is the place to be.
A screenshot of the Awesome Accessibility playlist, where you can find creations that are family-friendly, and for those who might have additional needs when playing Dreams.
Search for the Stars
Now, you lucky things, we’re going to share with you some of our top tips for maximising use of the Dreams search engine, courtesy of our knowledgeable - and downright lovely - curation team. Here are their top tips!
1. Don’t Worry About Searching for New Stuff
Daily DreamSurf gives you a taste of freshly-picked Dreams that you haven’t come across yet. Every. Single. Day. Did that come across as a little threatening? Sorry. We just wanted to emphasise the point, y’know? Another great place to jump in is the New Stuff on the Our Playlists section, which is updated regularly, and always shows you Dreams you haven’t seen before. It’s probably the best place for a new player to jump in!
A screenshot of the DreamSurfing menu.
2. Tweak Search Settings to Your Heart's Content
The search settings are a pretty invaluable tool whilst DreamSurfing, but what a lot of players don’t realise is that you can refine your searches to help you find exactly what you’re looking for. Filter by Following, Thumbed-Up, Not Played, and many more categories. Even wilder - you can do this on playlists too!
A screenshot of the search menu in Dreams.
3. Search Dreamers by Country of Origin
Try typing in a country to see all the Dreamers and their Dreams originating from that place. Obviously this will only work for dreamers with a country mentioned somewhere on their profile, but it can be handy for making sure you find Dreams in your language, and to find other creators from your corner of the globe. Wait, that’s not right. Globes don’t have corners. Do they?
A screenshot of various dreamers' imps.
4. Become a Digital Graffiti Artist - Tag Everything!
Tags can be really helpful when searching the Dreamiverse, easily pointing you to content in the genre or gameplay style you're searching for. Searching for specific tags will immediately bring you to everything tagged with that word or description. So if you search for the turtle tag, you are guaranteed to receive turtles. Guaranteed, we tells ya!
A screenshot showing off tags within DreamSurfing.
5. Press Square to Play Later
In a rush? Spotted something that you want to try but can’t spare the time for right now? Then, lovely dreamer, meet your new best friend, the square button. Hover over a Dream that you’re interested in and give a little press of this magic button, and it will immediately be added to your Play Later queue. Then you can give it a go whenever you’re ready. This works for all creations, including elements, scenes and collections, so never feel like you can’t press that magic button. Be there, or be square!
A screenshot showing off the DreamSurfing menu, showing that you can save to Play Later by pressing square.
6. Follow Dreamers to Get Playlists from Those Creators
Here’s a nifty little feature. Follow a dreamer and you’ll get playlists on your Dreamiverse homepage featuring content they make in the future. This is absolutely brilliant for keeping up to date with what they do, and finding your next favourite Dream. Why not give your favourite creator a follow and see what happens?
A screenshot of MmDreamQueen's page.
7. Shortcuts
Here’s a couple of handy shortcuts for you when you’re browsing the Dreamiverse with a time restraint. When hovering over a Dream, if you press +, it will take you straight into the Dream, ignoring the title page and start screens. Another really handy shortcut is to press whilst viewing the front page of a Dream in a playlist - it'll skip straight to the next Dream, so you don’t have to keep manually backing out and changing it all the time.
A screenshot showing shortcuts that allow you to jump into any scene in a game instantly using the Art's Dream scene selection.
8. Make Your Own Collections
Get ready for an absolutely unbelievable life hack. Ok, a surfing hack. But it's life-changing, honest. Send a bunch of creations to yourself (using that handy little button in the top right hand corner) and you can make your own collections with them. You can also send creations to existing collections that you’ve made. Yeah, we know, it’s both amazing and super handy!
A screenshot of the Ancient Dangers: A Bat's Tale splash page, with the imp hovering over the Send To button in the top right hand corner.
Alright then, Dreams comrades. Now you’ve been fully briefed on how to get the most out of the Dreams search engine, it’s time for you to get on out there and search, search, search!
The Dreams User Guide is a work-in-progress. Keep an eye out for updates as we add more learning resources and articles over time.