Lista de finalistas

Aquí están las nominaciones y finalistas contabilizados. Las siguientes creaciones y creadores hicieron un gran esfuerzo para llegar a esta etapa, ¡felicidades!

Excelencia en dirección de arte#

  • Lullaby for a Beagle - ghostfruit64

    Lullaby for a Beagle - ghostfruit64

  • Triangle Is sentient - ItsMeJuvy

    Triangle Is sentient - ItsMeJuvy

  • The Idyllium - Helekosi

    The Idyllium - Helekosi

  • ASCENT REMASTERED - payoffwizard

    ASCENT REMASTERED - payoffwizard

  • Tales from Dark Town Red Zone - DirtyFlusher

    Tales from Dark Town Red Zone - DirtyFlusher

  1. Lullaby for a Beagleghostfruit64
  2. Triangle is SentientItsMeJuvy
  3. The IdylliumZIIQ, Helekosi e Bevis2
  4. ASCENT REMASTEREDpayoffwizard
  5. Tales from Dark Town: Red ZoneDirtyFlusher e dinox11

Excelencia en imágenes de ambiente#

  • The Time Looper - IansaneArtist

    The Time Looper - IansaneArtist

  • NOGUCHI'S BELL episode 1 - Cyber_Sheep_Film

    NOGUCHI'S BELL episode 1 - Cyber_Sheep_Film

  • Tales from Dark Town Red Zone - DirtyFlusher

    Tales from Dark Town Red Zone - DirtyFlusher

  • The Finalist demo - Paulo-Lameiras

    The Finalist demo - Paulo-Lameiras

  • go. - ghostfruit64

    go. - ghostfruit64

  1. The Time LooperIansaneArtist
  2. NOGUCHI'S BELL Episode 1Cyber_Sheep_Film
  3. Tales from Dark Town: Red ZoneDirtyFlusher e dinox11
  4. The Finalist demoPaulo-Lameiras
  5. go.ghostfruit64

Excelencia en narrativa#

  • Tales from Dark-Town: HOME COMING - DirtyFlusher

    Tales from Dark-Town: HOME COMING - DirtyFlusher

  • Making The Leap - Keenardo

    Making The Leap - Keenardo

  • The Vengeful Eyes 2 - InsaneAlphaBeta

    The Vengeful Eyes 2 - InsaneAlphaBeta

  • OPEN-WORLD BOXING GAME - hipporick

    OPEN-WORLD BOXING GAME - hipporick

  • The War to End All Wars - DerAnder_96

    The War to End All Wars - DerAnder_96

  1. Tales from Dark-Town: HOME COMINGDirtyFlusher
  2. Making the Leapkeenardo
  3. The Vengeful Eyes 2InsaneAlphaBeta
  5. The War to End All WarsDerAnder_96

Excelencia en escultura#

  • Camille the chameleon - julio_grr

    Camille the chameleon - julio_grr

  • MEDUSA - FunK_97_ITA

    MEDUSA - FunK_97_ITA

  • Realistic Horse Showcase (playable) - willow_the_bob

    Realistic Horse Showcase (playable) - willow_the_bob

  • Search - ghostfruit64

    Search - ghostfruit64

  • Joy - GoGoSaint

    Joy - GoGoSaint

  1. Camille the chameleonjulio_grr
  2. MEDUSAFunK_97_ITA
  3. Realistic Horse Showcase (Playable)willow_the_bob
  4. Searchghostfruit64
  5. JoyGoGoSaint

Banda sonora del año#

  • SLEEP PARALYSIS - TheRedProphett

    SLEEP PARALYSIS - TheRedProphett

  • Ethlx - sacboy2003

    Ethlx - sacboy2003

  • A Beautiful mud - M-molecul

    A Beautiful mud - M-molecul

  • Who's afraid of the big bad bass - blackcat_tracks

    Who's afraid of the big bad bass - blackcat_tracks

  • Starlight - Prince_Tahra

    Starlight - Prince_Tahra

  1. SLEEP PARALYSISTheRedProphett, Dj_Frags-_-, lugadi, kaifraz4048, e ineap09
  2. Ethlxsacboy2003
  3. A Beautiful mudM-molecul
  4. Who's afraid of the big bad bassorionvalentine, MCalchemist42, blackcat_tracks e lugadi
  5. StarlightPrince_Tahra

Músico del año#

  • Prince_Tahra


  • Gianni_no_Mitaka


  • duckenomics


  • VinceKully


  • RAKeogh


  1. Prince_Tahra
  2. Gianni_no_Mitaka
  3. duckenomics
  4. VinceKully
  5. RAKeogh

Excelencia en animación#

  • Solar Blast - Paulo-Lameiras

    Solar Blast - Paulo-Lameiras

  • Ultimate Platformer Kit - MitterMak

    Ultimate Platformer Kit - MitterMak

  • Super Duper Fruity Juicy Juice! - byvsen

    Super Duper Fruity Juicy Juice! - byvsen

  • NOGUCHI'S BELL episode 1 - Cyber_Sheep_Film

    NOGUCHI'S BELL episode 1 - Cyber_Sheep_Film

  • Stylized Character Face Animations - willow_the_bob

    Stylized Character Face Animations - willow_the_bob

  1. Solar BlastPaulo-Lameiras
  2. Ultimate Platformer Kit DemoMitterMak
  3. Super Duper Fruity Juicy JuiceByvsen
  4. NOGUCHI'S BELL Episode 1Cyber_Sheep_Film
  5. Stylized Character / Face Animationswillow_the_bob

Excelencia en jugabilidad#

  • Starfighter Gemini - BOtheGrand

    Starfighter Gemini - BOtheGrand

  • TRIA-GONE - Angelotje

    TRIA-GONE - Angelotje

  • Claustrofactory - Aecert

    Claustrofactory - Aecert

  • Solar Blast - Paulo-Lameiras

    Solar Blast - Paulo-Lameiras

  • MASTER BLASTER - payoffwizard

    MASTER BLASTER - payoffwizard

  1. Starfighter GeminiBOTheGrand, Drummin7Jeff e OkieDoKees
  2. TRIA-GONEAngelotje
  3. ClaustrofactoryAecert, PieceOfCraft e duckenomics
  4. Solar BlastPaulo-Lameiras
  5. Master Blasterpayoffwizard

Jugabilidad más original#

  • Impressionable - Entropy-Tamed

    Impressionable - Entropy-Tamed

  • The Path of Illusions - Todu

    The Path of Illusions - Todu

  • Commonote - FeyzPS

    Commonote - FeyzPS

  • Dungeon Roulette - oooDORIENooo

    Dungeon Roulette - oooDORIENooo

  • Nine Equals - danikaka

    Nine Equals - danikaka

  1. ImpressionableEntropy-Tamed
  2. The Path of IllusionsTodu
  3. CommonoteFeyzPS
  4. Dungeon RouletteoooDORIENooo
  5. Nine Equalsdanikaka, cutaia_net e Pixel_Gorilla

Excelencia en gestión#

  • Pookachoo


  • TRIX9


  • LyzLdy


  • NaturiumCreepy


  • UglySofaGaming


  1. Pookachoo
  2. TRIX9
  3. LyzLdy
  4. NaturiumCreepy
  5. UglySofaGaming

Excelencia en diseño de personajes#

  • 九尾-The NineTail Fox - a-tziluth

    九尾-The NineTail Fox - a-tziluth

  • STRETCH - Kermideus

    STRETCH - Kermideus

  • Grub Knight - icecreamcheese

    Grub Knight - icecreamcheese

  • CAVEBOT 977 - Canadian__Jedi

    CAVEBOT 977 - Canadian__Jedi

  • Commonote - FeyzPS

    Commonote - FeyzPS

  1. 九尾-The NineTail Foxa-tziluth
  2. STRETCHKermideus
  3. Grub Knighticecreamcheese
  4. CAVEBOT 977Canadian__Jedi
  5. CommonoteFeyzPS

Excelencia en diseño de audio#

  • Solar Blast - Paulo-Lameiras

    Solar Blast - Paulo-Lameiras

  • The Idyllium - Helekosi

    The Idyllium - Helekosi

  • Fragments (#AutisticaPlayJam) - OptimusCries

    Fragments (#AutisticaPlayJam) - OptimusCries

  • The Vengeful Eyes 2 - InsaneAlphaBeta

    The Vengeful Eyes 2 - InsaneAlphaBeta

  • Claustrofactory - Aecert

    Claustrofactory - Aecert

  1. Solar BlastPaulo-Lameiras
  2. The IdylliumZIIQ, Helekosi e Bevis2
  3. Fragments (#AutisticaPlayJam)OptimusCries, NikoJaXs e thyon
  4. The Vengeful Eyes 2InsaneAlphaBeta
  5. ClaustrofactoryAecert, PieceOfCraft e duckenomics

Excelencia en innovación#

  • The Path of Illusions - Todu

    The Path of Illusions - Todu

  • DreamsFest 2021 - DreamsFest Team

    DreamsFest 2021 - DreamsFest Team

  • Stylized Character Face Animations - willow_the_bob

    Stylized Character Face Animations - willow_the_bob

  • Nine Equals - danikaka

    Nine Equals - danikaka

  • Frontier - sanderobros

    Frontier - sanderobros

  1. The Path of IllusionsTodu
  2. DreamsFest 2021 – DreamsFest Team (beardofcats88, pinkbelt, Phreaky, DirtyHarolds, Hackjaz, NotreDamin, oLiamS47o, Mystical_Vortex_, LOLPokemanz, atheistsw, DissObeyGaming, TapGiles, Reddishboat, animeboy0021, Radladdy, DissObeyGames, AutumnSatire, Ichiban_Keneda)
  3. Stylized Character / Face Animationswillow_the_bob
  4. Nine Equalsdanikaka, cutaia_net e Pixel_Gorilla
  5. Frontiersanderobros e SDorin

Estrella de la comunidad#

CoMmunity Category

  • D-GenerationI


  • oooDORIENooo


  • Keduko_


  • SNRG_Driven


  • KeldBjones


  1. D-Generationl
  2. oooDORIENooo
  3. Keduko_
  4. SNRG_Driven
  5. KeldBjones

Excelencia en doblaje#

  • CAVEBOT 977 - Canadian__Jedi

    CAVEBOT 977 - Canadian__Jedi

  • NINJA CAT III Episode 1 - YuMex196

    NINJA CAT III Episode 1 - YuMex196

  • Red and the Cursed Isles - RedSeikatsu-

    Red and the Cursed Isles - RedSeikatsu-

  • Cosmic Tale 2 - Bohalaa

    Cosmic Tale 2 - Bohalaa

  • OPEN-WORLD BOXING GAME - hipporick

    OPEN-WORLD BOXING GAME - hipporick

  1. CAVEBOT 977Canadian__Jedi
  2. NINJA CAT III Episode 1YuMex196, SmurfsX3, mgs61794, xxRehab_Rejectxx, HIKOOSEN, EmilyJrulz, Esuki, eustoma e KL-05y
  3. Red and the Cursed IslesRedSeiktasu-
  4. Cosmic Tale 2Bohalaa, Prince_Tahra, SaucelessOne, NinjaMicWZ, Sekulic0, kimerakii

Soñador más colaborador#

CoMmunity Category

  • SNRG_Driven


  • Entropy-Tamed


  • TAPgiles


  • VinceKully


  • SakkusMind


  1. SNRG_Driven
  2. Entropy-Tamed
  3. TapGiles
  4. VinceKully
  5. SakkusMind

Contribución más allá de Dreams#

  • Elca_Gaming


  • Made in Dreams Podcast team

    Made in Dreams Podcast team

  • Nicco555 & Computer_Cat

    Nicco555 & Computer_Cat

  • UglySofaGaming


  • SakkusMind


  1. Elca_Gaming
  2. Made in Dreams Podcast(se abre en una nueva pestaña)
  3. Nicco555 & Computer_Cat
  4. UglySofaGaming
  5. SakkusMind

Excelencia en RV#

  • the RESTLESS DARK Demo - s-001

    the RESTLESS DARK Demo - s-001

  • TRIA-GONE - Angelotje

    TRIA-GONE - Angelotje

  • Imagination VR DINOSAURS! - LifeAsNeil

    Imagination VR DINOSAURS! - LifeAsNeil

  • Frontier - sanderobros

    Frontier - sanderobros

  • Metro Street Racer - California Coast - atheistsw

    Metro Street Racer - California Coast - atheistsw

  1. the RESTLESS DARK Demos-001
  2. TRIA-GONEAngelotje
  3. Imagination VR: DinosaursLifeAsNeil
  4. Frontiersanderobros e SDorin
  5. Metro Street Racer - California Coastatheistsw e animeboy0021

Experiencia evolutiva#

  • Ultimate Platformer Kit - MitterMak

    Ultimate Platformer Kit - MitterMak

  • liminal mystery box - JohnnyBiscotti

    liminal mystery box - JohnnyBiscotti

  • Splatty's Adventure - RDKatrell22

    Splatty's Adventure - RDKatrell22

  • The Web - cat135

    The Web - cat135

  • Final Hour Prelude To Prologue - DownerIsland

    Final Hour Prelude To Prologue - DownerIsland

  1. Ultimate Platformer Kit DemoMitterMak
  2. liminal mystery boxJohnnyBiscotti e MrCaseyJones
  3. Splatty's AdventureRDKatrell22, pbgamer96, NiloFranck, Sliverscreen, SoInDiverse
  4. The Webcat135
  5. Final Hour: Prelude to PrologueDownerIsland

Colaboración con la comunidad#

CoMmunity Category

  • DreamFlix - KeldBjones

    DreamFlix - KeldBjones

  • Speed Create #1 - Hat - InfiniDreams

    Speed Create #1 - Hat - InfiniDreams

  • TOTS2 TP Spree - Pookachoo

    TOTS2 TP Spree - Pookachoo

  • DreamsFest 2021 - DreamsFest Team

    DreamsFest 2021 - DreamsFest Team

  • Marble Multiverse - Entropy-Tamed

    Marble Multiverse - Entropy-Tamed

  1. DreamFlixKeldBjones
  2. Speed CreateInfiniDreams e Elfiooh
  3. TOTS2: TP SpreePookachoo
  4. DreamsFest 2021 – DreamsFest Team (beardofcats88, pinkbelt, Phreaky, DirtyHarolds, Hackjaz, NotreDamin, oLiamS47o, Mystical_Vortex_, LOLPokemanz, atheistsw, DissObeyGaming, TapGiles, Reddishboat, animeboy0021, Radladdy, DissObeyGames, AutumnSatire, Ichiban_Keneda)
  5. Marble MultiverseEntropy-Tamed

Soñador revelación#

CoMmunity Category

  • fluximux


  • Sprattla-Art


  • StAnKHaNk


  • hipporick


  • Keenardo


  1. fluximux
  2. Sprattla-Art
  3. StAnKHaNk
  4. hipporick
  5. Keenardo

Creador(es)/equipo del año#

  • ghostfruit64


  • payoffwizard


  • DreamsFest Team

    DreamsFest Team

  • Cyber_Sheep_Film


  • Paulo-Lameiras


  • fluximux


  • Aecert


  • DirtyFlusher


  • Entropy-Tamed


  • SDorin & sanderobros

    SDorin & sanderobros

  1. ghostfruit64
  2. payoffwizard
  3. DreamsFest Team (beardofcats88, pinkbelt, Phreaky, DirtyHarolds, Hackjaz, NotreDamin, oLiamS47o, Mystical_Vortex_, LOLPokemanz, atheistsw, DissObeyGaming, TapGiles, Reddishboat, animeboy0021, Radladdy, DissObeyGames, AutumnSatire, Ichiban_Keneda)
  4. Cyber Sheep FilmsCyber_Sheep_FilmCyber Sheep Films
  5. Paulo-Lameiras
  6. fluximux
  7. Aecert
  8. Dirtyflusher
  9. Entropy-Tamed
  10. SDorin & sanderobros

Creación del año#

  • Solar Blast - Paulo-Lameiras

    Solar Blast - Paulo-Lameiras

  • liminal mystery box - JohnnyBiscotti

    liminal mystery box - JohnnyBiscotti

  • DreamsFest 2021 - DreamsFest Team

    DreamsFest 2021 - DreamsFest Team

  • Tales from Dark Town Red Zone - DirtyFlusher

    Tales from Dark Town Red Zone - DirtyFlusher

  • The Idyllium - Helekosi

    The Idyllium - Helekosi

  • Frontier - sanderobros

    Frontier - sanderobros

  • NOGUCHI'S BELL episode 1 - Cyber_Sheep_Film

    NOGUCHI'S BELL episode 1 - Cyber_Sheep_Film

  • ASCENT REMASTERED - payoffwizard

    ASCENT REMASTERED - payoffwizard

  • Claustrofactory - Aecert

    Claustrofactory - Aecert

  • Triangle Is sentient - ItsMeJuvy

    Triangle Is sentient - ItsMeJuvy

  1. Solar BlastPaulo-Lameiras
  2. liminal mystery boxJohnnyBiscotti e MrCaseyJones
  3. DreamsFest 2021 – DreamsFest Team (beardofcats88, pinkbelt, Phreaky, DirtyHarolds, Hackjaz, NotreDamin, oLiamS47o, Mystical_Vortex_, LOLPokemanz, atheistsw, DissObeyGaming, TapGiles, Reddishboat, animeboy0021, Radladdy, DissObeyGames, AutumnSatire, Ichiban_Keneda)
  4. Tales from Dark Town: Red ZoneDirtyFlusher e dinox11
  5. The IdylliumZIIQ, Helekosi e Bevis2
  6. Frontiersanderobros e SDorin
  7. NOGUCHI'S BELL Episode 1Cyber_Sheep_Film
  8. ASCENT REMASTEREDpayoffwizard
  9. ClaustrofactoryAecert, PieceOfCraft e duckenomics
  10. Triangle is SentientItsMeJuvy

La Guía de usuario de Dreams es un trabajo en curso. Permanece atento a las actualizaciones porque añadiremos más artículos y recursos de aprendizaje con el tiempo.