21 Things to Do at DreamsCom ‘21
Thanks to the tireless work of our Molecules and the near-endless energy of our amazing coMmunity, there’s more than ever to see, play and enjoy at this year’s DreamsCom. (Maybe TOO much? Nah, this is Dreams we’re talking about. ‘Too much’ is its middle name!) Never fear: we’ve got you covered, with our essential list of activities to make your expo experience a brilliant one.
The DreamsCom avatar customisation menu, complete with customised avatar.
- Customise your puppet
Feeling blue? No? Well, good news: this year you’re able to customise your usually-blue puppet for the DreamsCom show floor, with options for your skin colour, hairstyle and clothes! Make sure you’re feeling like yourself, then go grab those sweet in-game selfies.
A first-person view of the Ancient Dangers: A Bat's Tale booth.
- Switch to first-person view
Sometimes you just want to get your face right up close to stuff. Our fabulous designers at Media Molecule have you covered: simply hit L3 and R3 together to enter first-person mode, allowing you to peer into all the nooks and crannies you can possibly handle.
A puppet sliding down a large purple slide.
- Try out the slide
Location: Mm Hall
Escalator versus slide. The big decision of the year. Your grand entrance into DreamsCom is of critical importance. Should you descend, regally, on a magical moving stairway? Or should you bum-sled down a wobbly slope- wheeeeee never mind, can’t hear you, we’re already halfway down the slide.
A giant piano that DreamsCom visitors can play by walking on.
- Play the giant piano
Location: Mm Hall
No space is truly complete without its very own walking piano, something we patiently have to remind our neighbours of at least twice a day. You’ll find DreamsCom’s version in the Mm hall.
The booth for Tren, a game by Media Molecule's John Beech.
- Ride the Tren tren- er, train
Location: Mm Hall
John Beech has pulled out all the stops for the booth for his gorgeous physics-based puzzler Tren, found in the Mm Hall. Along with secrets to unbox, it also features a working train that you can hop aboard to be carried around the tracks. Bonus points if you play Quad City DJ’s ‘C’Mon ‘N Ride It (The Train)’ while doing so.
Noted celebrity Megapenguin gracing the show floor with his presence.
- Take a picture with Megapenguin
Location: Mm Hall
This space-faring business boy may be a big celebrity now, but he’s still got time for the fans. Keep an eye on the pebble portal in the Mm Hall, and you might catch him popping by the show - the perfect time to ask for a picture. (An autograph might be harder. We’re not sure he can write. It’s the flippers.)
The very useful in-game map for DreamsCom '21.
- Use the map
Conventions would be so much easier if you could simply teleport to where you needed to be... another area in which DreamsCom is innovating! Press the touch pad to bring up a map and view the full list of halls and hover over each hall with your imp to see which creators’ booths are in each. Select one to be transported there instantly. Walking’s for chumps, anyway.
A screenshot of a puppet jumping on patekkah's fantastic bouncy-house booth.
- Jump around on bouncy booths
Location: Hall 38, Hall 7
Imagine our delight when we discovered not just one, but TWO bouncy booths at DreamsCom this year. Beed28’s uses haptic feedback, with the creator’s Mini Capsule Worlds jiggling along on the shelves - while patekkah’s ode to Dreams itself is absolute inflatable chaos.
A puppet customising a car at Wiiichcraft's booth.
- Customise your dream car
Location: Hall 44
It wouldn’t be a videogame convention without a big sexy car somewhere on the show floor. For some reason. As ever, the Dreams version of this phenomenon is next level. You can visit Wiiichcraft’s interactive garage to design your very own whip, choosing various body colours, rims, doors and more.
A screenshot of Paulo-Lameiras' amazing arcade machine-filled booth.
- Hit the arcade
Location: Hall 7
Paulo-Lameiras’ arcade games are legendary in the Dreamiverse. Happily, for DreamsCom ‘21, he’s made an entire playable arcade featuring hits such as Metal Eagles: UC, Cyber Trigger, and the demo for the upcoming Solar Blast.
A puppet with their face in a comedy cutout board, making them look like a pig.
- Transform into a pig
Location: Hall 25
If seeing their fellow Dreams creator ReddishBoat dressed up as a giant pineapple to promote Pig Detective and the Beast of Boffington isn’t enough to convince you that Team Pig Detective love a bit of friendly humiliation, perhaps their booth photo op will. Play the demo, then pose for a picture next to Pig Detective with your high score, as the clever little piggy-wiggy you are.
A screenshot of the DreamsCom show floor - and a clue to one of the answers to our scavenger hunt activity.
- Go on a scavenger hunt
Strange and wonderful sights await you on the DreamsCom show floor, and we’ve curated some of the very best into an optional challenge, which you can find in our free-to-download DreamsCom companion magazine. Tick ‘em off, and send us pics of your discoveries via social media!
A puppet talking to Stranger Studios' helpful booth attendant Marla.
- Mess with Marla
Location: Hall 23
Stranger Studios’ booth is hosted by the helpful but long-suffering Marla, who in addition to promoting the outfit’s projects is running DreamsCom’s ‘lost and found’ this year. We’re not saying it’s right, but running back and forth between the two stands she’s manning and watching her try to keep up IS hilarious. (Sorry, Maz.)
A puppet about to enter a very legitimate, definitely not shady-looking booth.
- Join a cult
Location: Hall 23
Bit of a left-field one, this, but hear us out. Project WhiteBird is a revolutionary concept, led by a total #girlboss who’s a recruiting master. Ever since we’ve joined the initiative, we’ve been 260% happier, our foot fungus has gone away, and - is she still listening? No... NO, PLEASE DON’T, WE’RE TELLING THEM-
The professional-looking booth representing the Made In Dreams podcast (which is well worth a listen, by the way).
- Be the next guest on the Made In Dreams podcast
Location: Hall 47
If you’ve been dreaming of being interviewed on Lucid Nebula Studios’ fantastic show dedicated to the creators of Dreams, then make sure to swing by their super-professional booth this year: their photo op casts YOU as their next guest!
A screenshot of Herzacc's Japanese garden, an oasis of calm on the busy show floor.
- Take regular breaks
Location: Hall 45, Hall 25, Hall 22
With so much going on at these shows, it’s easy to forget to look after yourself. There are plenty of chill-out booths to visit if you need a break from the loud music and bright lights. We love escaping to Herzacc’s relaxing Japanese garden, PuddyDoke’s tavern, and GuardianDragon99’s aquarium - but we also encourage you to take time away from the screen IRL, too.
A screenshot of Mezzyartiist's booth, which features some delicious 2D croissants.
- Sample DreamsCom’s delicacies
We’ve got the lowdown on the very best of DreamsCom’s virtual grub with our ‘Eating DreamsCom’ feature in our free magazine - but Mm’s in-house chefs have also prepared some REAL recipes for treats for you to eat while you’re browsing the show floor. You can grab those in the magazine, too!
A screenshot of HASSUK's interactive funhouse booth.
- Explore a wacky funhouse
Location: Hall 11
Continuing DreamsCom’s gradual transformation from convention to full-blown theme park is HASSUK, who’s turned their booth into a playable funhouse complete with candy stripes, big rollers, a twirly tube slide - and a large clown head that’s only slightly less terrifying than the one found in Rabrit’s booth (Hall 5).
A screenshot of a 'test your strength' challenge in a booth.
- Test your strength
Location: Hall 33
Are you as muscular as Megapenguin? Are you beefy like Buffbert? (For the uninitiated: Buffbert is the genetically-modified version of Dreams’ chief crybaby, Cuthbert. It’s best not to question it further.) Find out at N-1-C-0-l3ro40ne’s booth, which features a working strength-test machine.
A screenshot of Phreaky's booth, which features a challenge wheel for you to spin.
- Challenge yourself at Phreaky’s booth
Location: Hall 30
After seeing all of these amazing creations at the convention, you may well find yourself inspired to hop into Create mode. If you’re looking for a prompt, why not drop by Phreaky’s booth and spin the challenge wheel for a unique word combo that conjures up a few fresh ideas?
A screenshot of gameplay from Purgatory Panic, a unique 2D platformer made in Dreams by surrounded_.
- Discover even more demos
It’s not just the show floor that’s filled with stuff to play and do - our excellent curator Molecules have given the front page of DreamsSurfing a fabulous DreamsCom makeover. Trying a tonne of the latest demos from our talented dreamers is as easy as scrolling through the playlists there. And if you’re looking for more info on each entry? Don’t forget to tune into The Impsider’s three-day live streamed coverage for developer interviews and live demos!
The Dreams User Guide is a work-in-progress. Keep an eye out for updates as we add more learning resources and articles over time.