Moderation Appeals

Moderation in Dreams is handled by Sony's Safety and Moderation Team, not directly by Media Molecule.

If you are looking to appeal the moderation of a piece of your content, you can send your request to the email address

Before You Submit An Appeal#

You can only submit an appeal for a piece of content you have created, not on behalf of another user. Before you submit an appeal, please review the coMmunity guidelines outlined here.

You will need to confirm that your content does not violate any of the Sony's coMmunity standards for UGC content. In addition, Dreams has a global coMmunity and we'd like to remind you that that words, images or ideas that you might not find offensive might be quite offensive to someone else.

When Submitting An Appeal#

Please include as much information as possible including your PSN ID and the title of the content that has been moderated. If we cannot identify the content in question, we cannot progress with your appeal.

If an appeal is valid, it will be submitted to the moderation team for re-consideration.

Please note that all moderation appeals must currently be submitted in English.

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