The 1st Annual Impy Awards
On January 26th, 2020 we celebrated the 1st Annual IMPY Awards, celebrating the best games, art, music, creators and more from Dreams' Early Access period. In a livestream extravaganza and pre-show featuring the team at Media Molecule and special industry guests we awarded (with real statues, no less!) coMmunity members in 22 categories, recognizing various achievements in Dreams. Members of Mm and industry judges sat on our judging panels, and we left several categories to be judged by the coMmunity as well.
We had a blast making and hosting this special night in Dreams – you can watch an archive of the livestream here, as well see the nominees and winners in each category. We hope to see you at the next awards night!

The winning creations and creators of the 1st Annual IMPY Awards.

The shortlisted entries for the IMPYS.

Terms and conditions for the IMPYS.
The Dreams User Guide is a work-in-progress. Keep an eye out for updates as we add more learning resources and articles over time.