Megapenguin Rehatched
Megapenguin Rehatched is an ongoing adventure game designed to be made chapter-by-chapter in Dreams, by Media Molecule and the Dreams coMmunity!
Megapenguin Rehatched Trailer
The first Megapenguin adventure was conceived before Dreams was released, starting life as an improvisational jam at E3 2018(opens in new tab). The Dreams team asked fans, friends and developers at the conference to piece together a daft ad-lib script, and then made it into a playable level at the show.
Megapenguin Rehatched is the (not-so) gritty reboot that nobody asked for. It follows previous Dreams coMmunity collaborations such as the open-ended walking sim Dreamwalk, collaboratively-built haunted house All Hallows’ Dreams, and our ongoing series of Music Mashups, in which hundreds of musicians contribute small clips that we mix into fully produced tracks.
We at Mm have created the opening levels of Megapenguin Rehatched and, in the spirit of Megapenguin, we’d like a little help from our friends in continuing the adventure. We’re asking the Dreams coMmunity to build their interpretations of what will happen next! The rest of the branching story will be crafted by you, the players - and should be a fun experiment in collaborative story-telling and game design.
During the Megapenguin fleet’s migration through the Dreamiverse, one Megapenguin crashes his eggship and finds himself stranded on a strange planet. Can dreamers put him back on track and guide him home, or will he be stuck wandering the Dreamiverse forever? And what adventures will he have along the way?

Guidelines and tips for making a Megapenguin Rehatched level.

Have questions about Megapenguin Rehatched? Go here.

Megapenguin’s journey to find his fleet continues with our first update - featuring levels made by you, the coMmunity!
The Dreams User Guide is a work-in-progress. Keep an eye out for updates as we add more learning resources and articles over time.