All Hallows': The Land of Lost Dreams
Do you feel that? There's something in the air right now. A festeringly foul chill, gripping you right down to your very bones. It must be that time again. All Hallows': The Land of Lost Dreams approaches [shivers].
The logo for All Hallows': The Land of Lost Dreams. Spooky, innit?
That's right, we're back at it again this October with another spooktacular festival of horror to haunt your Dreams. And as one of our regular coMmunity events, we're scared stiff with the prospect of what malevolent machinations you'll conjure up.
Last year, you brought the fear with your Ghost Train submissions, and this year we're looking to see what other horrors you can manifest for us, as we take you on a twisted adventure through the most cursed forest in the Dreamiverse: The Forest of Gloom. Prepare to be scared as you create your own Cursed Trinkets, and play with our Forest Template to design your own section of our nightmare forest.
Has the frightful atmosphere taken root in the pit of your stomach yet? If you're ready to create the fright of our lives, take a look at this year’s Official Guidelines and Frequently Asked Questions below.

Read the official creator guidelines for this years All Hallows': The Land of Lost Dreams.

Have questions about this year’s All Hallows’ Dreams? We've got the answers!

Read the official creator guidelines for this years All Hallows': The Land of Lost Dreams Forest Template.

Read the official creator guidelines for this years All Hallows': The Land of Lost Dreams Trinkets.
The Dreams User Guide is a work-in-progress. Keep an eye out for updates as we add more learning resources and articles over time.