Collaboration & Blocked Release
Collaboration, stamping PRIVATE versions and the release permissions associated can get pretty complex! If you find yourself unable to release a PUBLIC or PLAYABLE version of your creation because it contains an unavailable or PRIVATE creation, this page should help you navigate the complexity.
This page will cover:
- What a PRIVATE version is
- What an unavailable creation is
- Why PRIVATE stamps block PUBLIC/PLAYABLE release
- How PRIVATE stamps you don’t own end up in your creations
- How PRIVATE stamps you don’t own affect different creation types
- Unblocking the PUBLIC release of an Element or a Scene
- Unblocking the PUBLIC release of a remix of an Element or a Scene
- Unblocking the PLAYABLE release of a Dream
For more general information about permissions, please refer to Understanding Permissions.
What is a PRIVATE version?#
A PRIVATE version of a creation is a version that can only be viewed and accessed by the creation owner or a collaborator.
What is an Unavailable Creation?#
An unavailable creation is either:
- A PRIVATE version stamped in your creation that you’re not a collaborator on. This means you don’t have the permission to view it, or any of its versions.
- Or a deleted creation that has been deleted by you or the original owner.
Creation information such as its name or author are not available to you, and the creation will not appear at all in another creation’s genealogy.
Note that the owner will appear in the credits of anything that references an unavailable creation even if deleted.
It will display as an unavailable creation or unavailable version in:
An unavailable creation in Update Mode.
- Update Mode
An unavailable creation in the Show PRIVATE Creations page.
- The Show PRIVATE Creations page from the release summary
When collaborating, make sure to add each other as collaborators on PRIVATE items to speed up release flows and make sure everything goes smoothly.
1 - Andy creates a Forest Scene, and adds Kate as a collaborator.
2 - Kate creates a PRIVATE Tree Element.
3 - Kate stamps her PRIVATE Tree Element into Andy’s Forest Scene.
4 - Andy opens Update Mode for the Forest Scene and notes that there is an unavailable creation - the Tree Element.
5 - Kate adds Andy as a collaborator on her PRIVATE Tree Element.
6 - Andy accepts the invite and now when he enters Update Mode for his Forest Scene he can see the PRIVATE Tree Element.
Why Do PRIVATE Stamps Block a PUBLIC/PLAYABLE Release?#
To release a version of an Element or Scene as PUBLIC, or a Dream as PLAYABLE, you must have the permission to release anything stamped inside the creation as PUBLIC/PLAYABLE too.
A stamp of a PRIVATE version that you don’t own will block the PUBLIC release of an Element or Scene, or the PLAYABLE release of a Dream.
Example: If Andy's Forest Scene contains a stamp of Kate's PRIVATE Tree Element, it will block the PUBLIC release of Andy's Forest Scene as he does not have the permission to release Kate's Tree Element as PUBLIC.
Illustration for example of why PRIVATE stamps block a PUBLIC/PLAYABLE release.
Why Would a PRIVATE Version I Don’t Own End Up in My Creation?#
This could be for one of two reasons.
A collaborator on your creation has stamped a PRIVATE version of theirs into your creation
Collaborators have the permission to edit versions of a creation they’re collaborating on, so they can STAMP a private version they own into yours.
Example: Kate stamps her PRIVATE tree into Andy's Forest Scene. As Andy does not have the release permission over Kate's PRIVATE tree, Andy is unable to release a PUBLIC version of his Forest Scene.
Illustration for example of how PRIVATE versions you don't own end up in your creations.
You’re a collaborator on a creation, so have access to the creation’s PRIVATE versions and have stamped one into your own creation
Collaborators have access to versions of anything they’re collaborating on.
Example: Kate adds Andy as a collaborator on her PRIVATE Tree Element. Andy loves the Tree Element and stamps a PRIVATE version of it into his Forest Scene. As Andy does not have the release permission over Kate's PRIVATE tree, Andy is unable to release a PUBLIC version of his Forest Scene.
Illustration for another example of how PRIVATE versions you don't own end up in your creations.
How Do PRIVATE Stamps You Don’t Own Affect Different Creation Types?#
Elements containing a PRIVATE stamp you don’t own:
- Can be saved as PRIVATE.
- Cannot be released as PUBLIC.
Scenes containing a PRIVATE stamp you don’t own:
- Can be saved as PRIVATE.
- Can be released as PLAYABLE.
- Cannot be released as PUBLIC.
Dreams containing a PRIVATE stamp you don’t own:
- Can be saved as PRIVATE.
- Cannot be released as PLAYABLE.
Collections, if you’re wondering, have none of these restrictions - you can release Collections in any state with PRIVATE stamps in them. Other dreamers won’t see PRIVATE stamps when viewing the Collection.
If all PRIVATE stamps in your creation are owned by you and don’t feature any PRIVATE stamps you don’t own, it won’t block your PUBLIC release, as you have the permission to release those PRIVATE stamps as PUBLIC.
Andy creates a Forest Scene and stamps his own PRIVATE Car Element into it. Andy is able to release his Forest Scene as PUBLIC as he owns the PRIVATE Car Element stamped inside.
Unblocking the PUBLIC Release of an Element or Scene#
Problem: Andy’s Forest Scene contains a PRIVATE stamp of Kate’s Tree Element that is blocking his PUBLIC release.
There are three options, and they depend on whether or not Kate (the owner of the PRIVATE stamp) wants to make the stamped version of her PRIVATE Tree Element PUBLIC, or release a brand new PUBLIC version, and whether Andy is a collaborator on the Tree Element or not.
Option 1: Update the Permissions on the Stamp#
Let’s say Andy asks Kate to make the PRIVATE stamped version of the Tree Element PUBLIC and Kate agrees. Andy now has the option to update his permissions on the stamped Tree Element and release the Forest Scene as PUBLIC.
The following steps will show you how to update permissions on a stamp which was PRIVATE and is now PUBLIC.
Note: Updating permissions is only available on Elements stamped in Scenes or other Elements.
STEP-BY-STEP: Update Permissions on a Stamp Which Is Now PUBLIC#
Creation cover page showing the Versions button.
1 - On the cover page of the creation with the PRIVATE stamp, select Versions.
2 - In the Versions & Release page, select the version that’s currently blocked.
Version Details page showing the Release This Version button.
3 - On the Version Details page, select Release This Version.
Release Summary screen showing the Update Permissions button.
4 - On the Release Summary screen, hit the Update Permissions button. The system will now check your permissions.
5 - Once the permissions check is done (and as long as there are no other PRIVATE stamps you don’t own), your permissions will have been successfully updated!
6 - Hit OK on the Permissions Updated screen to return to the Release Summary screen.
Release Summary screen showing release as public is now available.
7 - Note that the Release as PUBLIC option is now available. Rejoice.
Option 2: Use Update Mode to Update to a New PUBLIC Version#
Let’s say Andy happens to be a collaborator on Kate’s Tree Element. He asks Kate to release a new PUBLIC version of the Tree Element, which she does. In that case he can use Update Mode to get the latest version.
The following steps will show you how to use Update Mode to update from a PRIVATE version to a PUBLIC version.
Note: This only works if you’re a collaborator on the creation being updated. If not, you’ll have to manually remove the PRIVATE version and replace it with a PUBLIC version.
STEP-BY-STEP: Use Update Mode to Update to a New PUBLIC Version of a Stamp#
1 - In Edit Mode in the Element or Scene version that contains the stamp of the PRIVATE Element, open the Modes menu.
Modes menu showing Update Mode.
2 - Hit the Update Mode button.
3 - In Update Mode, select the Element stamp which is PRIVATE and blocking your release.
Update Mode showing the Update Now and Exit buttons.
4 - Hit the Update Now button on the Element and select Exit Update Mode to return to Edit Mode.
5 - Admire the newly updated PUBLIC version of your stamp and go release!
Make sure Auto-Update is turned on in Update Mode. It’ll automatically update any stamps in your version to the latest version. If a new PUBLIC version of a previously PRIVATE stamp is released, Update Mode will grab and display it.
This means you can run Update Permissions on the Release Summary page without having to manually update your PRIVATE version to the new PUBLIC one!
Option 3: Remove the PRIVATE Stamp#
If Kate doesn't want to make her Tree PUBLIC, the only option Andy has is to remove it. The following steps will show you how to do that.
STEP-BY-STEP: Remove a PRIVATE Stamp from a Creation#
1 - In Edit Mode in the Element or Scene that contains the PRIVATE stamp, open the Modes menu.
Modes menu showing Update Mode.
2 - Hit the Update Mode button.
3 - In Update Mode, select the Element stamp which is PRIVATE and blocking your release.
Update Mode showing the Select Object(s) button.
4 - Use the Select Object(s) button on that Element and you’ll be taken to the stamp in Edit Mode.
5 - Remove the stamp using .
Save Version screen showing save and release option.
6 - Use Save Version, then Save and release this version online.
to open the options menu and hitRelease Summary screen showing release as PUBLIC option.
7 - In the Release Summary screen, note that the Release as PUBLIC option is now available.
Any PRIVATE stamps that you are NOT the owner or a collaborator on, or a version which has been deleted, will appear as an Unavailable Creation in Update Mode and the PRIVATE Creations page (accessed when you select Show PRIVATE Creations on the Release Summary page). You can still use the Select Object(s) button in Update Mode to locate the stamp in your scene and follow the steps above.
You may have to do any of these options more than once. If there are still other PRIVATE stamped versions you don’t own blocking your PUBLIC release, you’ll have to update the permissions, remove them, or update it to a PUBLIC version as per these options.
Unblocking the PUBLIC Release of a Remix of an Element or Scene#
Problem: Andy creates a remix of his Forest Scene, which contains a stamp of Kate’s PRIVATE Tree Element. Even if he removes the stamp from his remix, he is still blocked from releasing the remix as PUBLIC.
To unblock the PUBLIC release of a remix containing a stamp of a PRIVATE Element you don’t own, the stamped creation must be made PUBLIC and Update Permissions used to update its state.
STEP-BY-STEP: Use Update Permissions to Unblock a PUBLIC Release of a Remix#
1 - Ask the author of the PRIVATE Element to release the Element as PUBLIC. If you can’t get them to do this, you won’t be able to release your remix as PUBLIC.
Cover page showing Versions button.
2 - Assuming they do, find your original creation, or the remix, and select Versions on the cover page.
3 - In the Versions & Release page, find the version that contains the PRIVATE stamp.
Version Details page showing Release This Version button.
4 - On the Version Details page, select Release This Version.
Release Summary screen showing Update Permissions button.
5 - On the Release Summary screen, hit the Update Permissions button. The system will now check your permissions and update.
6 - Release the version as PUBLIC.
7 - Repeat this process on the original or remix, whichever one you didn’t already do, in order to update its permissions and also release it as PUBLIC.
Unblocking the PLAYABLE Release of a Dream#
When you can’t release a Dream as PLAYABLE, it’s likely for one of the following reasons:
- The Dream contains a stamp Scene or Dream version that’s been deleted.
- The Dream contains a stamp of a PRIVATE Scene or Dream you don’t own.
Problem: Ben is unable to release as PLAYABLE a Dream which contains a PRIVATE Forest Scene owned by Andy.
There are two choices here - either Andy makes the PRIVATE Scene PUBLIC or PLAYABLE, or Ben removes it. To remove a PRIVATE stamp you don’t own (or an unavailable version) from the Dream you want to release as PLAYABLE, follow these steps.
STEP-BY-STEP: Remove a PRIVATE/Unavailable Stamp from a Dream#
1 - In the Dream Editor for the version of the Dream containing the stamp of the PRIVATE/unavailable Scene or Dream...
2 - Select the offending item and press to delete it.
3 - Select Save Version and note that Release as PLAYABLE is now available.
If your Dream contains a PRIVATE Scene, only you and any collaborators on the PRIVATE Scene will be able to see and play the Dream without problems.
You can only stamp into a Dream if you own the Scene or Dream you wish to stamp, or are made a collaborator on the Scene or Dream you wish to stamp.
So - ask to be a collaborator on anything you want to stamp in your creation that you don’t own.
Sharing is caring! If a collaborator is stamping a PRIVATE version of theirs into your creation version, ask to be added as a collaborator on the PRIVATE creation so that you can see it in Update Mode, the Private Creations screen, and genealogy. If you’re not a collaborator, it will appear as an unavailable creation and you won’t be able to tell whether the version has been deleted, or just a PRIVATE version you don’t own.
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