I want to take my foundation to the next level

Explore ways to advance your 2D Shoot-’em-up foundation beyond the basics.

Make your own boss#

You may have noticed that the bosses are made by combining the smaller enemies, along with a couple of bespoke designs. Bosses are really fun to make! Start by remixing one of the ones from the kit. This will give you the behaviour logic to start with, with movement and fire patterns.

Make your own trench pieces#

We’ve only given you a few pieces. Make your levels stand out and give the player some variety by making your own. There are just a few things to be aware of.

The trench pieces we provide use the grid at a resolution of 8, to maintain auto guide behaviour. You don’t have to worry about this too much for your own scenes, but if you want to make pieces for others to use this is good to know. Don’t restrict the shapes you make too much because of this though. Players can use grid snap to line things up.

If you’re making bends or loops be mindful that the ship always moves left to some degree. There is no point making a loop that requires the ship to fly right too much - it won’t be navigable. That said, you could utilise the barrier mechanic to pause the camera if you really want to try.

The Dreams User Guide is a work-in-progress. Keep an eye out for updates as we add more learning resources and articles over time.