Welcome to the thermometer support page
Building your own levels and coming up against the thermometer limits? Wondering how best to keep your levels as low-cost as possible? The videos below cover the ins and outs of the gameplay and graphics memory thermos - check them out for some top tips.
Gameplay Thermometer#
Video explaining some top tips on how to get the most out of the gameplay thermometer
Graphics Thermometer#
Video explaining some top tips on how to get the most out of the graphics thermometer
Audio Thermometer#
Video explaining some top tips on how to get the most out of the audio thermometer
If you're after a much more in-depth and technical break down about how the audio thermometer works, as well as more info on all the lovely audio tech we've added to the game, jump on over to our bespoke tech article, exploring how to get the most out of your Dreams audio.
Do you have any other hints or tips on how to reduce the thermometer? Head on over to our forums(opens in new tab) to share these with the coMmunity.
The Dreams User Guide is a work-in-progress. Keep an eye out for updates as we add more learning resources and articles over time.