Moderation Guidelines
First and Foremost#
Be good! Dreams thrives because of the wonderful coMmunity supporting it. Whether you're playing, using or interacting in Media Molecule's social spaces, please keep in mind that words, images or ideas that you might not find offensive might be quite offensive to someone else. Help us create a place where people want to share and feel supported when they do. A great coMmunity starts with you and makes the Dreamiverse amazing for everyone.
Look, it's Connie! She's showing someone the door, in the nicest possible way.
You can help keep the Dreamiverse a great place to be by reporting abuses of the coMmunity content guidelines. Reported content is subject to review by Sony's moderation teams, who can remove inappropriate content and take moderation action against the offending account. The moderated account will be notified of the violation and specific details of the suspension can only be shared with the account owner. Consequences of violating the content guidelines can include, but are not limited to:
- Suspension of publishing privileges
- Removal of offending content
- Termination of access to Dreams
- Suspension or termination of your account.
You can report content in-game using the menu with the "!" icon that you'll find at the top right of the screen when viewing the cover page of a piece of content or under any comment in the Dreamiverse. Simply disliking a piece of content is NOT grounds for reporting, so please only report content that violates the coMmunity standards. Abusing the grief reporting process is itself a violation of our coMmunity standards, so the above consequences can also apply to anybody our moderators find are misusing the grief report tool.
The Rules#
Visitors to the Dreamiverse are expected to follow our coMmunity standards as well as the PlayStation Network Code of Conduct(opens in new tab). We may also moderate or remove content deemed inappropriate by the PlayStation Safety team.
The following list includes, but is not limited to, the type of content that would be considered a violation to the Dreams moderation guidelines.
- Personal information. Your own personal information is best not shared in public spaces, for your own protection. Additionally, sharing of the personal information of others, including through any comment or message posted in-game, on forums, in personal posts or additional social channels is never allowed. Personal information includes:
- Full name
- Password
- Home or other address
- Telephone number
- Social security, passport, or national identity number
- Financial information such as billing information or bank details
- Other personally identifiable information.
- Harassment and cyberbullying. This is never acceptable in our coMmunity. This area includes:
- Stalking
- Bullying
- Intimidation
- Humiliating other players
- Sexual harassment
- Child endangerment.
- Hate speech or actions.
- Support, glorification or promotion of terrorism, Nazism or gang activity.
- Discrimination of any kind. This includes discrimination by:
- Race, ethnic or national origin
- Religion or religious affiliation
- Disability or disease
- Gender, gender identity, expression or sexual orientation
- Age
- Veteran status
- Familial status
- Imagery associated with discrimination (symbols, flags, characters)
- Impersonation and defamation.
- Threats or promotion of violence or harm, to yourself or others.
- Sexual content.
- Nudity (statues or figures) is permitted if not portrayed in an overly sexualised manner. Overly sexualised content is not allowed.
- Violent content, including but not limited to:
- Realistic dismemberment
- Excessive gore
- Depictions of sexual assault
- Animal abuse or torture
- Dangerous, unethical and illegal activities.
- Instructions for engaging in self-harm, or engaging in violent activities, including bomb- or weapon-making.
- If you make a creation featuring another real person, make sure you obtain their consent to be in it.
- Subsequently, if your creation refers to any real-life events, please remain discreet and conscious of other people’s feelings. Some content might be considered too sensitive and is best omitted.
- Illegal drugs
- References to cannabis, alcohol, tobacco and other controlled substances are acceptable, so long as the content does not promote or condone the sale of illegal substances or excessive consumption of controlled substances.
- Hard swearing
- Light swearing used in a non-abusive way is permitted.
- Hacking, reverse-engineering, or modifying the game or game code to cheat, bypass or disable security, or to use, copy, or distribute the game in any unauthorised manner.
- Content created with the intention of causing crashes or other unwanted game or console behaviour.
- Phishing, spam and scams. We take attempts to commit fraud seriously. Attempts to collect credit card or financial information from Dreams can result in an account suspension, even if the attempt is made in jest.
Copyright Violations#
We get lots of questions about copyright, creative commons, public domain and fair use. It's a complicated topic and often the laws are different depending on where you live. The safest approach is to not make things inside Dreams that you know were created by someone else. Yes, this includes pretty much every game, character, song, etc., that you know. Copyrighted content belongs to the original author, who has the right to request that PlayStation® take down anything that replicates their content in Dreams if they wish. If we receive such a report, the infringing content will be removed from the Dreamiverse, and you'll lose all the time and effort you put in to making that content.
If you are a copyright holder and want to report a violation, you can do that here.
The Dreams User Guide is a work-in-progress. Keep an eye out for updates as we add more learning resources and articles over time.