Dreamview Weekly Roundup #14
There are those who might say the Dreamview Weekly Roundup’s been a bit stressful as of late. And you know what? That’s fair. There’s been talk of sentient foodstuffs(opens in new tab), TikToking geese, a Molecule held against their will and - perhaps worst of all - maths(opens in new tab). We get it: it’s Friday, you’ve had a long week, and you just want to kick back and relax with a sweet scoop of Dreams.
We’re really treating you this week, then, with some easy-breezy creations. Interactive lo-fi beats, psychedelic arcade dancing and an entire room filled with virtual plushies are all to be found below. Yes, there’s a bit in the middle where we put you through some words about a spooky castle where a ghoul could whisper in your ear at any given moment, and a couchplay fighting game that literally has the word ‘Intense’ in its title. But, otherwise, it’s a pretty chill time.
Anyway, we’re off to play a nice friendly game of Flaming Dodgeball in the Dreams server room. Have a peaceful weekend, everyone!
Hacky Sack: brick Breakers, made in Dreams by spiYdrz.
Hacky Sack: Brick Breakers#
by spiYdrz
It takes a certain kind of mind to recognise when two concepts might be better as one. SpidYrz, it seems, has it. Hacky Sack: Brick Breakers takes the keepy-uppy pastime and blends it with classic arcade hit Breakout, creating a compulsive game in which you dance your ragdolling character model across the screen and use its feet to keep the ball from hitting the ground and costing you points - while also pinging it against the 2D bricks overhead to increase your score. There are layers to this, too - especially once you get used to using the function that sticks the ball to your feet, or figure out how to extend a brick combo by kicking the ball over the top of the bricks. Even if you’re not gunning for a leaderboard spot, however, there’s no better way to describe this than it being An Absolute Vibe(opens in new tab), thanks to its goofy movements, synthwave aesthetics, and a host of fantastic music courtesy of other dreamers.
(Requires that you own Dreams)
BUB, made in Dreams by The43LadsOnABoat.
Oh, our giddy aunts and uncles. Just look at him. This precious creature is Bub, and he’s having an excellent time jamming out to his lo-fi beats machine. You can join in, simply by pressing face buttons to bring in various instruments, or toggling drum elements with the D-pad. Instrument effects live on the right stick, and drum samples on the left bumper - you can even play with high and low pass filters via the triggers, or add a vinyl crackle by moving the left stick. It’s a gorgeous toy to tinker with, and small details delight: watch what happens if you don’t press any buttons for a while.
(Requires that you own Dreams)
Castle Dreams, made in Dreams by Martinitydk.
Castle Dreams#
by Martinitydk
Alright, now he’s just showing off. Martinitydk - also know as Martin Nebelong, an artist who’s often found working magic for us here at Media Molecule - is in the process of building a grand Gothic castle in Dreams, having been inspired by Resident Evil Village’s own Castle Dimitrescu. It is, quite frankly, astonishing: lavishly detailed and realistic architecture, chilling sound design and interactive elements across multiple chambers combine to create the convincing illusion that you’re about to be ganked by a monster at any moment. Needless to say, it’s a must-play in VR. It’s also a work-in-progress, with a few corridors currently blocked off - be prepared to revisit to discover even more.
(Requires that you own Dreams)
Intense Fencing 2, made in Dreams by Star-Sauce64.
Intense Fencing 2#
by Star-Sauce64
The first Intense Fencing was rough around the edges, but it made one thing very clear: Star-Sauce64 understands fighting games. Its best feature? A mid-range sabre attack that neatly communicated the concept of ‘footsies’ - which is basically a fancy word for a game of chicken, as both players throw out attacks to keep each other at bay, while also trying to land the blow and turn it into a deadly combo. An improved version of this mid-range attack returns in Intense Fencing 2, alongside a host of other refinements such as a fireball, new stages and the ability to actually turn your character around. It’s still essentially simple, though, which allows for the real point of the game to shine: the mind games between you and your couch competitor. Fan of Nidhogg? Give this a go.
(Requires that you own Dreams)
Deh Plushies, made in Dreams by Yah_Deh, llCaptain_Morgan and Elca_Gaming.
Deh Plushies#
by Yah_Deh, llCaptain_Morgan and Elca_Gaming
Yah_Deh has created and curated what is surely one of the most delightful spaces in all of Dreams. This plush toy emporium - an all-year-round evolution of Yah_Deh’s themed store made for The Winter Holidays jam - features all manner of in-Dreamiverse cuddly merch, including our absolute favourites, Yah_Deh’s ‘Foodimals’. Feast your eyes on a Melon Bread Turtle, a Pancake Shark or a Sushi Dragon, and try to tell us you don’t feel at least 12 per cent happier. Seasoned dreamers (and, weirdly enough, stock market enthusiasts) will doubtless be tickled by some of the references hidden around the shop. Wonderfully, Elca_Gaming has lent a hand with optimising the scene, so there’s plenty of room for even more plushies to be added - perhaps even yours, if you fancy making one.
(Requires that you own Dreams)
Want an easy way to view all of these creations in one convenient collection? Check out the playable version of this week's Dreamview Weekly Roundup right here in Dreams!
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