Dreamview Weekly Roundup #11
أوبس! نأسف للإزعاج، يبذل مترجمو Molecules قصارى جهدهم لترجمة هذا المحتوى! يُرجى التفقد مجددًا لاحقًا.
If there’s one thing we can never get enough of here at Media Molecule, it’s Fridays: filled to bursting point with optimism, the promise of the weekend glittering all over them like a fine golden dust. Pick one up, roll it about in your hands, make casual conversation with it. Give it a big sniff. Take a bite out of it. Give it to your very best friend. What a thing!
Fridays aren’t a physical object, you say? They’re more of a concept? A temporal marker that indicates that it’s time for the Dreamview Weekly Roundup, and five more recommendations for brilliantly creative things to check out in Dreams? Interesting. Quick question: what are all these round things we’ve been stashing in the office stationery cupboard, then? And where does public opinion rest on eating one? Or twenty. Just hypothetically.
Er, anyway - look at these dreams!
This photorealistic chameleon looks over at the camera with an inquisitive eye as it holds onto the branch it's perched on.
Camille the chameleon#
by julio_grr
Chameleons. What incredible creatures. They’re able to change the colour of their skin by manipulating nanocrystals in their cells, and have super-powerful tongues that can be up to twice as long as their bodies. They’re also the guiltiest-looking things on the planet(يفتح في علامة تبويب جديدة). Julio_grr has managed to capture all these iconic qualities of this distinctive reptile with a colour-changing, living sculpture so eye-poppingly detailed and realistically animated that we struggle to understand how they’ve achieved it - and that’s before we realise that it’s interactive. Squeezing the triggers allows us to slurp up any unsuspecting morsels that land close by. At least Camille definitely appears to have a conscience about it.
(يتطلب أن تمتلك Dreams)
This bizarre contraption looks like the work of a mad scientist. Or something we'd do after writing too many consecutive roundups.
Crazy Machines#
by pulsate
Fans of Mouse Trap, Rube Goldberg machines and general chaos should enjoy this inventive kit-bashed puzzler, which relies on the actual baked-in physics of Dreams to provide “completely unpredictable” action. There might be toy cars, tennis balls, random planks of wood, dominos, boxing gloves, desk fans, balloons and much more on these courses, but it’s not total mayhem: their creator has thoughtfully constructed each challenge so that each of the ten levels snap together satisfyingly under your command, and solutions function consistently.
(يتطلب أن تمتلك Dreams)
This just straight up looks like real life. What do you mean this isn't a photo of an American city at dusk?
by YLedbetter10
Dreams' reigning monarch of realism returns with possibly their finest work to date. When we first saw this posted on Twitter, we honestly assumed YLedbetter was posting their holiday snaps. But look a little closer, and you start to spot the signs - yes, literal signs, containing references to YLed's fellow coMmunity members in shop names such as Pho Reaky, the Ven Wave Bar & Eatery and a little pizza place called Smashys. Then there are the clouds, which... nope, we're pretty sure they're real clouds, somehow. YLed, if you could just email us the code for the Weather Importer you've somehow invented, that'd be swell. Cheers.
(يتطلب أن تمتلك Dreams)
We don't even know where to start with describing this. There's some swirly pinks and blues. That settles it, we could never be art critics.
Dreams 'n' Chill#
by DirtyHarolds
Swooping in to soothe our troubled souls this week (were those soft cupboard creatures ALIVE? Please, no) is DirtyHarolds, who’s crafted a tactile and therapeutic visualiser that serves as a wonderful meditative aid. Use the sticks to push a shifting cluster of softly glowing orbs around the screen, and up against rings that pulse in response to chilled-out beats. Feels like plopping your brain into a warm bath.
(يتطلب أن تمتلك Dreams)
A grizzled black and white detective overlooks their case files as they smoke away.
by ManikinChild and TheBllackSheep
The greatest, most accurate technology a detective has at their disposal? The humble 2B pencil, of course. Hardboiled detective Hank Donovan is out to enact justice - and deliver some sick burns - in this short playable, er, sketch. You, the complainant, have been the victim of a terrible crime and must select dialogue options to tell Donovan all about the person who’s wronged you (and enjoy some hilariously written contextual roasts). How you recount their behaviour and facial features influences the outcome of the composite. Suffice it to say that if we ever actually saw the total casserole of a human being we described, we’d probably just hand over our wallet straight away, no questions asked. And then lay down on the concrete and re-evaluate our stance on the existence of an almighty creator.
(يتطلب أن تمتلك Dreams)
Want an easy way to view all of these creations in one convenient collection?
Check out the playable edition of this week's Dreamview Weekly Roundup right here in Dreams!
دليل مستخدم Dreams قيد التطوير المستمر. ترقب توفر تحديثات جديدة، حيث نواصل إضافة المزيد من مصادر التعلم والمقالات بمرور الوقت.