Dreamview Weekly Roundup #65
أوبس! نأسف للإزعاج، يبذل مترجمو Molecules قصارى جهدهم لترجمة هذا المحتوى! يُرجى التفقد مجددًا لاحقًا.
An endless desert stretches into the horizon, the heat haze glistening in the scorching sunlight. A tiny lizard crawls over an empty fish and chips wrapper. An echoing howl is heard overhead as the wind blows through a broken pint glass. As a figure approaches, they open their dry mouth and manage to squeak out their final words, "Blimey! Bit hot today, innit guv'nor?"
For this is not a desert. This is summer in the UK.
Alright, so it's not quite that bad, but it is sweltering over here in old Blighty right now. Regardless, we're pretty proud of that M. Night Shyamalan-level plot twist. So proud that we're never going to speak of it again. Let's see what's going on in the Dreamiverse instead. On with the show!
An image from Dog's Run, featuring Binkie, one of the goodest boys to ever grace the Dreamiverse, standing on a craggy mountaintop with grass.
Dog's Run#
by Angelotje
Estimated playtime: 1 hour
Here's an oldie but a goodie. Dog's Run combines some of life's greatest joys: dogs and... running? Well maybe we're not the most athletic people in the world, but we sure enjoyed running around these fields and mountains as the lovely doggo Binkie. The game is simple, with your good pupper maneuvering the landscape in order to find their lost bones, and collecting coins to buy upgrades and adorable outfits for your perfect pooch. But the beautiful scenery really captures the feeling of being a little fluffball running through various terrains. Top tip: you can press to bark, which instantly makes this the most authentic dog simulator in the Dreamiverse. More importantly, you can press to drift. That's right, we're doggo drifting up in here!
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An image of the protagonist of RID overlooking its massive world. The silver-haired character stands by a lighthouse and overlooks the sea and a series of islands.
RID: Memories of the Elders#
Estimated playtime: 20+ hours
This game is RID-iculous. Sorry (definitely not sorry). But just look at it - a beautiful open world filled with puzzles, platforming and adventuring. The first game set in the world of RID, Echoes of a Lost Bond, was already excellent, but brothers LordBruce and Camian have really taken the series to a whole new level. Memories of the Elders is an expansive adventure with a fully voice-acted narrative, filled with all the trappings of modern AAA games like dodge rolls, dashes and stamina meters. But it's the atmospheric music, stunning visuals, and full day/night cycle that really sell the feeling of exploring a whole new mystical land. Intriguing towers and landmarks appear in the horizon, inviting you to navigate your way over to them and seek out the treasures inside. When we say the game has a 20+ hour runtime, we're not kidding. Once more for the people in the back: RID-iculous.
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An image from Paranormal Propulsion, with a little white ghost standing in a maze of tunnels. The text reads: 'Collect ghost coins to get filthy rich. Or skip them to just be filthy'.
Paranormal Propulsion#
by superafroboy
Estimated playtime: Replayable
Two words: Ghost rockets. If that wasn't enough to whet your appetite, we don't know what is! Paranormal Propulsion is a hard-as-nails ghost farting simulator, where you command a cute little spirit to float their way around some very tight corridors. Propelled by a swift guff from their behind (and a press of the button), it becomes increasingly tricky to get these accelerated apparitions through each level. Even harder is collecting all of the ghost coins in a level, which can be absolutely maddening. If you really want to add some additional challenge (and we have no idea why you'd want to do that, you sadistic monster!), there's even a time attack mode to compete with other players on the scoreboard. There is a satifsfying sense of accomplishment once you do manage to complete a level though. One for the masochists.
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An image from Musicalum. A background image of a beautiful sunset is flanked by rings with music beats heading towards them in time with the music.
by Computer_Cat and Nicco555
Estimated playtime: Replayable
There are a healthy number of music games in the Dreamiverse now, but Musicalum's relaxing flavour really sets it apart. Each stage has a soothing image behind the action, from spectacular sunsets, to beautiful bonsais. Of course, this may be there to offset the fact that it can be hard to keep up with the music, as this game is ruthless to those who lack rhythm. Personally, we found it harder to get better than a C rank on these stages, but surely world-dominating skill will come with practise*. Five bangin' tracks are included in the game, spanning musical genres from drum and bass to classical. Even better, Computer_Cat and Nicco555 have also created their own Rhythm Game Kit which allows you to make your own Musicalum levels, with either your own music, or music already beaming throughout the Dreamiverse.
*Please don't hold us to that.
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An image from the stunningly photorealistic Somewhere Between Part 1: Walk in the Park. A leafy path is flanked by green bushes and trees in front of a cloudy sky.
Somewhere Between Part 1: Walk in the Park#
Estimated playtime: 20 minutes
Every now and then, a Dream so gorgeously realistic comes along, we've no choice but to do a full-on cartoon character double take at it. So you can imagine our slack-jawed surprise when we jumped into Somewhere Between Part 1: Walk in the Park. This photorealistic stroll around a park starts off as a chilled out weekend walk amongst the trees, but soon devolves into something much more sinister and unsettling. Amid the satisfying crunch of leaves underfoot lies the most malevolent seesaw we've ever seen in Dreams, and a suspicious swirling dark entity. To say any more would spoil the experience, but it's safe to say we're hooked on this mysterious mini-narrative. We're certainly somewhere between bone-shaking excitement and mouth-frothing hype for Part 2!
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Check out the playable edition of this week's Dreamview Weekly Roundup right here in Dreams!
A screenshot of the collection for this week's Dreamview Weekly Roundup, available to play in Dreams.
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Which creations caught your eye in the Dreamiverse this week, and why? Tell us about your personal picks over on the official Dreams forums!(يفتح في علامة تبويب جديدة)
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