Something’s gone wrong!
Here's some common gotchas and how to solve them.
I made a platform out of 1x1 Block Toppers but my puppet falls through#
The 1x1 Block Topper is intended as a decorative element rather than a construction block. So that the puppet moves around unimpeded, we turned off the collision on this element - that way the puppet can’t get caught on it. To fix this, you can add 1x1 Blocks. Or if you really want to use the topper as a platform, you can tweak (+) it, go to the Physical Properties page, and turn on collidable with
My character fell off the platform where they shouldn’t have#
When making levels with this kit, make sure to have grid snap on (or precise move if you don’t want to use the grid). You need to view your constructions from all angles and be certain that all pieces of the level are in line with each other. If they aren’t the puppet will lose its footing.
When my character moves, part of the level moves with them#
Sounds like you’ve accidentally put some of the level inside your puppet's group. Just scope in to the puppet with + and try to select the pieces of level with . If you can, that's what's happened, so select them all and grab them with . Keep holding and press + to remove them from the group. You may need to press + more than once, until they’re at the top level with everything else.
I’m trying to make a bit of level slope upwards, but the puppet just slides down and won’t walk up them#
The 2D Arcade Platformer Puppet is based on the Blank Sliding Platforming Puppet, which has the ability to slide down ramps on its bum. The easy solve is to use stairs, jumps, or teleporters instead of slope and ramps.
However, if you're feeling confident about diving into some logic, you can actually remove the sliding behaviour from the puppet. Scope in with + a couple times to see the Puppet Logic microchip. Open it with + and find the Sliding Behaviour microchip and delete it. Then scope out once with +. Now tweak the puppet with + and find the Walkable Slope Angle tweak on the first page of the menu. Adjust it to where you think you might want it - you don't want to max it out, just increase it, have a play, and see what feels and looks good.
Series of images on how to remove the sliding behaviour and adjust the walkable slope angle
The puppet is having trouble using the teleporters#
Make sure you’ve placed your teleporter the correct way round. You should be able to see the teleporter icon under the doors if they are the correct way around. Also, if you turn on x-ray, the switches should be at the left of both the entrance and exit doors. If the switches are on the other side or you can’t see the icon, try deleting and stamping a new one in.
Images illustrating how to tell if your teleporters are the right way around
I made a mistake and I don't know where#
Don't forget that undo (and redo) are amongst the most useful tools in your box! Keep undoing with until things are back where they were. 9 times out of 10 that will sort your mistake!
The Dreams User Guide is a work-in-progress. Keep an eye out for updates as we add more learning resources and articles over time.