Dreamview Weekly Roundup #80
Ops! Lamentamos o inconveniente, mas no momento estamos trabalhando duro para traduzir este conteúdo. Tente de novo muito em breve!
In honour of hallowed cultural holiday Black Friday, The Impsider is proud to present the ULTIMATE DEAL OF DEALS: the Dreamview Weekly Roundup, featuring five of the latest and greatest creations in Dreams this week, at an astonishing 100 PER CENT OFF. That’s right - all of these words, recommendations and clickable links are absolutely FREE this week.
What do you mean, the Roundup is usually free? Oh, sweet reader. There’s always a cost, though perhaps not necessarily monetary, and we intend to collect on the other - checks notes - oh, seventy-nine payments you owe us. Anyway, enjoy your freebie. The other “bills” will be in the post soon.
A figure is curled up under a bedsheet next to a baby's crib. Caption reads, 'She's fine.'
by Rammstein53452, mattizzle1, DrinkWater200, Tapio_X, GrimPinata136 and Typhus667
Estimated playtime: 4 hrs
(Necessário ter Dreams)
The dream is finally reality. At least, we think so. Following the release of a top-tier demo and an interview feature at this year’s DreamsCom(abre numa nova aba), the full version of the liminal horror FPS arrives in Dreams - and proves itself worthy of all the anticipation. It’s a nerve-shredding blend of genres - Silent Hill by way of Resident Evil, with a dash of The Backrooms thrown in for good measure. The heartbreaking story of fallen family man Pater is expertly paced, punctuated by Resident Evil-esque chases, combat challenges and some truly stomach-turning monsters that’ll have you counting - and sweating - bullets. Most memorable of all is the setting, an uncanny tangle of office corridors and strange skies that creates constant, gnawing uncertainty and disorientation; it’s testament to smart level design and lighting that we always feel the right kind of lost throughout this multi-hour surreal thrill-ride.
A googly-eyed pigeon aims its beak towards a rubber duck target. There's an Orcon Peckometer on the wall.
Project Pigeon#
by PieceOfCraft, Pixel_Gorilla, Magma-Monsta and Elca_Gaming
Estimated playtime: 10 mins
Something we pride ourselves on here at The Impsider is providing valuable context for the Dreamiverse’s many curiosities. Perhaps a game is the passion project of a Las Vegas performance artist, or a music track is a tribute to a special friendship(abre numa nova aba). Project Pigeon, though? Regarding Project Pigeon, we have few answers for you. What we can tell you is that the development team is made up of four of Dreams’ most capable creators - and that together they’ve produced what might just be history’s only instance of actually good ‘edutainment’. Play as a pigeon. Crane your feathery little neck about to peck at moving targets, beady little eyes rolling with seed-greedy glee every time you hit your quota. Learn pigeon facts, and eventually understand the devastation that you’re unwittingly taking part in, a masterful tonal arc that takes you from laughter to shock in seconds. But WHY? Why all this pigeon pageantry? Whatever’s so appealing about pigeons to these creators, we couldn’t tell you. If we had a penny for every in-joke that’s become a bird-based videogame, we’d have two pennies - which isn’t a lot, but it’s weird that it’s happened twice.
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An open-mouthed pink sphere with its face inside its own head floats against a pink background.
Check in#
by franzeboy
Estimated playtime: N/A
Are we still doing “pondering my orb” jokes here on the internet? Probably a dead meme, eh. Alright - we’re "contemplating this sphere". This, and many others; franzeboy’s been posting plenty of these compact works of art over on their Twitter(abre numa nova aba) for months now, and has recently decided to make a clutch of them publicly available in the Dreamiverse itself. It’s remarkable how much mileage franzeboy gets out of the simple idea of a round 3D shape with human features, presenting pierced pufferfish aliens and sulky robo-kittens in professional-level detail. With so many characterful little gobstopper goblins on offer, it’s difficult to pick favourites - but for this Roundup, we’ve gone with “Check in”, which manages to present a recognisably funny expression of shock, despite this creature’s eyes being on the inside of its head staring directly at its own brain.
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On Candy Farm, stuntman Zed rides his motorbike up a ramp towards a row of stars and a ring of fire.
by TRIX9, shandyboy1975, MasherButtons, oLiamS47o, RAKeogh, talc33 and Joeycutts83
Estimated playtime: Replayable
If you thought the first game was over-the-top, you ain’t seen nothing yet. Joe Danger-a-like ZED EXODUS II builds on the legacy of the Dreamiverse’s favourite stuntman by offering 50 more stick-flicking, bike-flipping challenges for you to master. Everything in this sequel has been tuned to a higher gear, from the introductory art to the playable overworld (featuring a driveable buggy, multiple themed zones and a compulsive pinball minigame), through to the electric performance of Zed’s shoutcaster and hypeman, LA-based VO pro John Worsham. This is easily hours of high-scoring fun; with the help of a talented team of collaborators, TRIX9 continues to provide some of the most well-rounded and complete playable experiences in Dreams.
(Necessário ter Dreams)
In firstperson view, a player drives a hoverbus across a level in space. Tutorial UI reads, 'JAMs can be used to upgrade your Bus to give it new abilities'.
TricoBiddy Bus Company#
by Tricobalt and blackcat_tracks
Estimated playtime: Replayable
Ever had a hankering to drive an even more chaotic version of the Magic School Bus through an inexplicable amount of jam? Firstly: weird. Secondly: as always, there’s a Dreams game for that. Skidding your hunk of hovering junk around levels and through rings as fast as possible is joyous freewheeling stuff, even before you start to appreciate the careful design in these jumbled-looking open-world spacevoids. In your bid for the fastest time (and sweet sub-60-second achievements), it becomes a kind of puzzle game, as you slowly figure out new and more optimal routes that incorporate cut corners and well-timed powerups. Updated regularly with new music, rewards, season quests and unlocks - including extra buses featuring unique abilities such as ‘noclip’ - this is a new favourite of ours, packed with personality and preserves.
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Check out the playable edition of this week's Dreamview Weekly Roundup right here in Dreams!
A screenshot of the collection for this week's Dreamview Weekly Roundup, available to play in Dreams.
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Which creations caught your eye in the Dreamiverse this week, and why? Tell us about your personal picks over on the official Dreams forums!(abre numa nova aba)
O Guia do Usuário do Dreams é um trabalho em andamento. Vamos adicionar mais recursos de aprendizado e artigos com o tempo, então, fique de olho nas atualizações.