Dreamview Weekly Roundup #86
Ops! Lamentamos o inconveniente, mas no momento estamos trabalhando duro para traduzir este conteúdo. Tente de novo muito em breve!
Friday. Friday. Friday.
What is a Friday anyway? Is it just a day of the week? Is it that feeling you have knowing that the weekend is on its way? Or that sense of celebration you have when skipping home from work at the end of the week?
Maybe. Definitely? Perhaps.
Furthermore, if Friday was a colour, what colour would it be? Do they have Fridays in space? Are Fridays nothing but a figment of our collective unconscious? Does Megapenguin know what a Friday is? Should Megapenguin know what a Friday is?
Sometimes we astound ourselves with our philosophical genius. All these Friday musings and more can be found in this week's edition of the Dreamview Weekly Roundup. You're welcome.
A little pixel miner makes his way through a 2D mine environment, filled with gems and other goodies.
Endless Miner#
by oooDORIENooo
Estimated playtime: Replayable
We imagine that in reality, mining is actually quite a lot of hard work. Thank goodness we live in a world where we can virtually mine an assortment of treasures without having to even get off the sofa. Straying from the manic energy of some of their previous creations, oooDORIENooo has crafted a chilled out mining game experience with no time limits, no pressure, and heaps of gems to harvest. Given that gem gathering is a key component of our plans for world domination, we're very pleased with this feature. Watching your little pixel fella descend through layers of sediment and rock is a splendid experience, and with the accompaniment of some glorious retro pixel art and soothing chill beats to mine to, Endless Miner is a joy. We thoroughly dig it.
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Exploring the mysterious pixel cabin, we come across what we guess is a carrot? One of the ingredients needed to satiate the mysterious monsters need for lasagna.
Lasagna Cabin#
by ItsMeJuvy
Estimated playtime: 20 minutes
Sometimes we come across a creation that's so strange, so surreal, so unusual that we have no idea how to describe it. Fortunately, Lasagna Cabin is not one of those. Gather together an assortment of ingredients found around a suspicious cabin in the woods to make a lasagna for some unknowable cosmic horror that wouldn't seem out of place in one of those scary movies that we're too terrified to watch. Pretty straightforward, right? But that's only half of it. From the start, Lasagna Cabin is quite the unsettling experience, featuring a pixel horror aesthetic and horrifiying list of ingredients. Meat, check. Sauce, check. Creature hair? Welcome to flavour town.
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A pixel art style image featuring a moonlit background, with desert trees and bushes in the foreground, and the night sky overhead.
Midnight Glade Pixel Art Showcase#
by FuchsFeuer82
Estimated playtime: N/A
This is one of those creations that could easily be a screensaver. FuchsFeuer82 has delivered an incredibly high quality pixel art of a moonlit night-time scene. The structure is so cleverly composed that you really feel like you accidentally wandered into an uncharted area of the globe, staring up at the stars in fascination. The scene is capped off by the flourishes of chirping crickets and tweeting birds, and flashing comets streaking across the starlit sky. All in all, a triumph that we'd be happy to have cover up our screens to hide the fact that we're not doing work. We won't tell if you don't.
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A young girl wearing a kaiju costume poses her arms in celebration as she smashes a bunch of city buildings.
Attack of the Kotonoha#
by kama073
Estimated playtime: Replayable
Attack of the Kotonoha seems like a game that manifested itself from those bizarrely specific shower thoughts you get sometimes. Those thoughts where your mind goes completely blank and comes out with something like "what if kaijus, but cute?" Regardless of however this idea first spawned into kama073's head, we're glad it did, as this cute kid meets angry giant dinosaurs simulator is a spectacular destroy-em-up. The objective is simple: knock down as many buildings as you can and cause as much carnage as possible within the time limit - but most importantly, look downright adorable while you're at it. We've not tried it, but we imagine that if we were destroying buildings as easily as her, we'd also look absolutely chuffed with ourselves, too.Honestly, this game reminds us of when we used to dress up as dinosaurs as kids and terrorise our parents. Yup, when we were kids. This definitely isn't something that happened last week.
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A view of the ocean seen through the mouth of a cave, covered in seaweed and salty water.
Ocean View#
by Parkderk
Estimated playtime: N/A
We've featured some of Parkderk's stunning nature-based scene creations before, but it's fair to say that Parkderk has once again knocked it out of the, er, park with Ocean View, a creation that lovingly places that gigantic puddle that covers the planet straight in front of your retinas. Their skill has come on leaps and bounds since then; with the sea lapping at the shore, the sounds of the gulls in the background, and the seaweed loosely hanging from the cave mouth, you can almost feel the breeze and smell the salt in the air. Or maybe we just put too much salt on our chips. What are we saying - you can never have too much salt on your chips! [Editor's note - Not medical advice.]
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Check out the playable edition of this week's Dreamview Weekly Roundup right here in Dreams!
A screenshot of the collection for this week's Dreamview Weekly Roundup, available to play in Dreams.
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Which creations caught your eye in the Dreamiverse this week, and why? Tell us about your personal picks over on the official Dreams forums!(abre numa nova aba)
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