Something’s gone wrong!
Here’s some common gotchas and how to solve them.
I’m stamping a but it won’t line up where I want it to go#
It’s likely this is because the auto guides on the piece are restricting it to a specific grid snap resolution and that resolution is’t fine enough to allow you to align it. You can’t change the grid coarseness with obey auto guides turned on. Go to the guides menu and switch off obey auto guides, and switch on grid snap. Try stamping the piece again. If it still doesn’t align, adjust the coarseness up (coarser) or down (finer) until it does. You can do this using the menu buttons /, or with +/. You’ll see the grid visualisation changing as you cycle up and down.
I want to use the hole on the reverse of the course piece#
You can flip objects vertically with and horizontally with
One of my pieces is slightly misaligned#
This can happen for a number of reasons and is very easy to fix. You can realign objects by picking them up with and pressing . This works when using grid snap or precise move, and also with no guide at all on. It will not work if obey auto guides is on.
This feature defaults to the scene space grid. Alternatively you can align the grid to match the local space of objects. This is quite advanced, so be careful! The classic error is to align the grid to an object and then forget. Once the grid is aligned to an object it will affect all future movements and stamps. If you really want to try it, make sure grid snap is on, then press + over the object you want to align the grid to. Align the grid back to the scene by hovering over empty space and pressing + again.
When playing multiplayer couch co-op our players switched#
Mini-Golf isn’t set up to handle players dropping in and out of games. If you’re feeling competitive and someone new wants to join, you should restart the game.
I can’t finish my course - I keep exceeding the putt limit
Maybe you built a very large course and the default Putt Limit is simply not high enough to complete it? Scope in to the golfer puppet once with + and you’ll find value sliders for Max Putts for Course, Putt Limit On/Off and Par. Max Putts currently maxes out at 50, but if that’s not enough you can tweak it with + and change the maximum value. Alternatively you can just switch off Putt Limit altogether. The same goes for Par. Try your course out and set values you think are reasonable and achievable.
The character starts moving away when the turn starts#
Have you tried to add a costume to one or all of the golfer puppets? If you have then it’s possible one of the sculptures in the costume is set to collidable. That would interfere with the puppet’s own collision, creating a feedback loop that results in the puppet moving. The easiest way to find out is to go to Test Mode (in the Modes menu) and select heatmaps and then physics. Look out for any parts of the puppet which are purple/red and you can see the physics balls. There shouldn’t be any, all parts of the puppet should be black. But if there are, hover over them and tweak with +, then go to the Physics tab and turn off collidable.
Series of images showing how to check for costume items set to collidable.
A part of my puppet fell off when the turn started#
This is also very common if you’ve added costumes to your golfers, usually when cloning pieces from other puppets. If the costume piece you add is set to moveable and not connected to the puppet via a connector it will move separately to the puppet and fall away. To resolve this, identify the object that’s falling, scope in to find it in the puppet groups, then tweak it with + and, on the Physics tab, set moveable to off.
The Dreams User Guide is a work-in-progress. Keep an eye out for updates as we add more learning resources and articles over time.