Dreamview Weekly Roundup #83
The final Friday of our working year, and we at The Impsider have come over all festive - and reflective. We've been thinking: we actually have quite a bit in common with jolly ol' Santy Claus. We both work to deadlines. We love making lists, and checking them twice (if you saw any typos this year - no you didn't!). We see you when you're sleeping, we know when you're awake, and we'll only take bribes in the form of biscuits.
But there's one point of similarity that stands above all: just like The Man With The Bag, it's the joy of our lives to deliver unto you the wonderful gifts that the busy, ultra-creative elves of the Dreamiverse have so carefully crafted. This year, once again, we've enlisted the help of a handful of Molecules around the studio to recommend some of their favourite holidaytime treats - and then some.
A family of default blue puppets and their reindeer-ish pet ring the doorbell of a house with no walls.
We Am Family – Christmas#
by LOLpokemanz
Estimated runtime: 10 mins
Recommended by: Liam, Online Content Editor
So this is Christmas - and what has LOLpokemanz done? The We Am family series returns with its trademark offbeat humour, sat-nav style voiceover, and lashings of leetspeak. This time, we’re invited to a traditional Christmas dinner with Aunt and Uncle (hope you’re hungry for bacon double cheeseburgers). So sit down with the family, cuddle up by the fire, and embrace the festive nonsense of the strangest family in the Dreamiverse - yes, even edgelord Eugene's babblings. 'Tis the season, after all.
(Dreams Universe™本体が必要です)
A view of the timeline for duckenomics' festive wintertime banger, The Fall Of Winter.
The Fall Of Winter#
by duckenomics
Estimated runtime: 2 mins
Recommended by: Jacob, Content Curator
All this hullabaloo whenever Santa hurls a burlap sack across a few oceans in one night, yet not a peep on duckenomics producing this festive scorcher in an hour. We smell a ho-ho-hospiracy. Conceived for SaucelessOne’s Music Made In An Hour jam, The Fall of Winter is no turkey: sawtooth waves crunchier than gingerbread, arpeggios rising higher than any reindeer and another iconic musical application of Tubular Bells. Flicking a switch replaces those scandalous synths for rousing drum rolls and glockenspiels – if only all our favourite seasonal carols came pre-baked with rave alternatives. Silent nights are overrated, if you ask us.
(Dreams Universe™本体が必要です)
Two gnomes offer a too-short ladder to a stranded Lidlig. Text reads, 'This is the biggest one we have'.
by Lidlig
Estimated playtime: 10 mins
Recommended by: Zach, Data Scientist
Is Gnomeland a Christmas game? Or is it just a game with a Father Christmas boss fight in it? The debate rages on in office holiday parties the world over. Regardless of your stance, Gnomeland is a heart-warming and hilarious tale of man and gnome. And fear not, lovers of characterful animation, sharp scripts, and showdowns with white-bearded home invader types: Lidlig has a generous sack of even more (similarly combative) festive features for you to unwrap and enjoy.
(Dreams Universe™本体が必要です)
A zoomed-out view of a tiny town encapsulated inside a snowglobe, which can be shaken with motion controls.
Life inside the Snowglobe#
by Beed28
Estimated playtime: 5 mins
Recommended by: Jen, Editorial Manager
Nothing says "festive cheer" quite like using your godlike power to terrorise a tiny civilisation. What? It's true. Ever shaken a snowglobe? Exactly - stop giving us the judgey eyes, then. Get your festive kaiju fix with this interactive virtual toy from mini-worlds master Beed28, and run your puppet around a beautifully decorated tinseltown to admire the lights (a particularly lovely sight during the nighttime phase of the creation's day/night cycle) before zooming out and using the motion controls to shake up a snowstorm.
(Dreams Universe™本体が必要です)
A letter from a child named Jasmine sits on Santa's workshop desk alongside envelopes. The letter appears to be asking for an alien toy that goes to the bathroom.
Dear Santa#
by TheJoeTeam
Estimated playtime: Replayable
Recommended by: Ally, Content Curator
Originally planned for release last winter but halted due to deadlines, this has become an instant Christmas classic: you're tasked with constructing toys against the clock in Santa's workshop, attempting to satisfy the (often very odd) requests made by children in their letters to Santa. From its fully voice acted - and hilarious - tutorial, through to the comedic concepts and laugh-out-loud writing, it’s sure to keep you smiling throughout. Happy holidays, one and all!
(Dreams Universe™本体が必要です)
And, just because it's the holidays, we've got a special extra treat for you in our ingame collection... EVEN MORE RECOMMENDATIONS!
A selection of screenshots taken from the bonus recommendations featured in the collection for this week's Dreamview Weekly Roundup.
There's plenty here to keep you entertained over the holiday season - so don't come knocking on our door for a few weeks, yeah? We're temporarily removing our Typing Hands and replacing them with Cheese Knives for ultimate festive efficency, which means no articles for a bit, lest we damage our company-issue keyboards.
Check out the playable edition of this week's Dreamview Weekly Roundup right here in Dreams!
A screenshot of the collection for this week's Dreamview Weekly Roundup, available to play in Dreams.
(Dreams Universe™本体が必要です)
Thanks for all the support this year, you lot - we'll see you in 2023!
Which creations caught your eye in the Dreamiverse this week, and why? Tell us about your personal picks over on the official Dreams forums!
Dreams Universe™のユーザーガイドはただいま作成中。これからプレイのヒントに関するコンテンツを増やしていく予定なのでチェックをお忘れなく!