All Set for DreamsCom - v2.29
Hey, coMmunity! 2.29 is a small update, putting things in place for #DreamsCom21, such as the fancy new boot screen you’ll see after you update, and all our localisation features so that Dreamers worldwide can check out the show! Read on for details...
What’s New?#
- #DreamsCom21 - Can you believe it’s been a year since the first DreamsCom? Neither can we! This year’s show is right around the corner and this update sets the stage for it! You’ll notice a rather lovely and eye-catching new boot screen for Dreams when you next boot the game up!
The entrance to the #DreamsCom21 show floor
Other Improvements#
- Cover Page Slideshow Speed - Based on coMmunity feedback after this feature was introduced, we’ve extended the duration of time between cover page photos changing. If you have further feedback on this feature, please do let us know via our support forums(opens in new tab).
- Auto Guide More Info Update - Another feature update based on coMmunity feedback, we have updated the more info tooltip for the Apply to All Parent Groups tweak on the Auto Guides gadget.
The Dreams User Guide is a work-in-progress. Keep an eye out for updates as we add more learning resources and articles over time.