Dreamview Weekly Roundup #78
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What’s the true meaning of Halloween? Sweets? Scares? Exploring the latest Mm Community release The Land of Lost Dreams, available to play in Dreams right now and forevermore? All valid answers.
But really, we all know the real reason for the season: weird little guys, running around. Delightful little freaks. Just some of the most horrible entities you’ve ever seen, absolutely living it up. As such, we’re delighted to present this monster edition of the Dreamview Weekly Roundup - five creations that might well feature your new be(a)st friend. Happy Halloween!
The spooky hub for NIGHTMAREFEST 2022. A giant spidery creature covered in fairy lights towers over a carnival.
by scarybiscuit, Grothraw, sean88, animeboy0021, DissObeyGames and JohnnyBiscotti
Estimated playtime: 1+ hours
A collaborative carnival of horrors, NIGHTMAREFEST 2022 follows in the grand tradition of events such as DreamFest, bringing together a variety of coMmunity creations under one roof. (Well, it’s largely open-air, but you know what we mean.) This amusement park - haunted by the flickering shadows of long-dead guests - contains playable game cabinets and portals to other horror-themed dreams, collectibles to scoop up, and a museum filled with all manner of monsters made by creators across the Dreamiverse.
(Necessita del gioco Dreams)
A strange one-eyed television walking on two arms.
Estimated playtime: N/A
Now this is what we call a gogglebox. It’s like every hysterical parent’s worst nightmare came to life and sprouted arm-legs. This evil television is one of our favourite Dreams-made puppets our Imp has ever possessed, lolloping around on its horrible limbs as we move the thumbstick, the cable and plug a demonic forked tail swinging merrily behind. They always said too much screen time would rot our brains; honestly, we’re more worried about it being eaten.
(Necessita del gioco Dreams)
A pale green bipedal creature runs joyously towards an alien assault course.
by Pencilcase80
Estimated playtime: 10 minutes
Not so many Roundups ago, we sang the praises of Pencilcase80’s dumpy little alien characters The Wobbles, hoping someone might take it upon themselves to make a game featuring them. Wouldn’t you know it? Their creator has done it themselves, and the result is an instant pick-me-up. The Wobbles have landed their spaceship on a planet of pastel Plasticine wonder: you can switch between multiple charmingly-designed members of this strange species, then guide them around odd-faced obstacle courses to collect droplets. From the mild bongo-drumming of thumpy Wobble footsteps, to the mysterious and funky effects of your mission rewards, this sturdy little extraterrestrial adventure is proof that not all monsters are, well, monsters.
(Necessita del gioco Dreams)
A six-armed humanoid blue ghoul popping against a magenta background.
A weird monster thing#
by Detricklez
Estimated runtime: Looping
This one, though? This one’s a monster. It even says it in the title - although you probably could have guessed from the multitude of undulating, grasping arms, the skeletal smile, glowing eyes and a nose so non-existent that the concept of Bigfoot looks plausible in comparison. The choice to paint this ghoul in acid-bright colours and violet lighting is a brilliant one; anything that can spook us while lit up like a Christmas tree is clearly a feat of monster mastery.
(Necessita del gioco Dreams)
A beautifully doodled and organised collection of asstes, pupepts and games.
by Suthurnur and chelsea_mb712
Estimated playtime: 2+ hours
Suthurnur and chelsea_mb712 are two of Dreams’ most accomplished purveyors of freaky little creatures - and their generous new Halloween collection is the place to be if you’re looking to meet a whole graveyard’s worth of them. Highlights include: Cackle, a controllable cupcake that snickers and shows its teeth; toffee apple gargoyle Gravenstein, who leaves syrupy footprints and can swing a mean lollipop hammer; S’mider, a marshmallow-mouthed snack-rachnid that even Bugsnax creators Young Horses might envy, and fan-favourite fanged pumpkin head Jack. Oh, and everything’s remixable, meaning you can tweak these freaks to your heart's desire.
But that’s not all. This collection also contains Black Lantern: Hexagram, a surprisingly substantial companion game released alongside the latest edition of its creators’ successfully Kickstarted graphic novel series, Black Lantern(si apre in una nuova scheda). On a romp through a zombie-infested locale, you swap between axe-wielding lead Edgar and his cat, Julius, to solve puzzles and fight nasty bosses. While the combat and platforming is a little imprecise for our tastes, the world and characters are anything but - this is a fantastic representation of the creators’ artistic talent and imagination, and a fabulous way to spend a few hours this Halloween.
(Necessita del gioco Dreams)
Check out the playable edition of this week's Dreamview Weekly Roundup right here in Dreams!
A screenshot of the collection for this week's Dreamview Weekly Roundup, available to play in Dreams.
(Necessita del gioco Dreams)
Which creations caught your eye in the Dreamiverse this week, and why? Tell us about your personal picks over on the official Dreams forums!(si apre in una nuova scheda)
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