Announcing Mashup Four!
We're back! That means it's time for...
Wait, you don't know what that is... or who I am? That's... fine. Sure. Okay.
I'm Pink Mashup Cat, a Dreams manifestation of Ed from the Mm audio team. Hi.
Mashup Cats live on stage
Last year, my audio companions Lisa, Oli and I kicked off some impromptu music jams in Dreams. We wanted to make a single track with as many dreamers as possible! With so many of you getting involved, we asked each dreamer to make just four bars of music; a mini-masterpiece, so that we could mix them all together to make something larger.
Mashup One came first (the clue's in the name) and it was a hit! Loads of dreamers got stuck in and the result was a sort of Jungle-Triphop-Techno mashup... thing.
Mashup one
Then Oli took us to the festival main tent with the absolutely humongous Mashup Two, featuring more dreamers, sillier drops and vastly improved visual offerings.
Mashup two
Next Lisa threw a curveball by taking Mashup to the Renaissance Fair. Three was a magical, mystical sensation in the Dorian Mode, the fanciest yet!
Mashup three
Now that all the cats have had a turn as master of ceremonies, where do we go now? Well, MASHUP FOUR is a bit different.
We still want to make one big silly piece of music with you, but this time we want submissions to come from SUPERSTAR ROCK GROUPS! That means we’d like each scene sent to us to be by a collaboration of two or more dreamers. We're not strict, you can be in multiple bands, and you can divide the creating however you like between band members.
All you need to do is make some music in Dreams that fits the following guidelines:
16 bars, 130bpm, C minor
But most importantly, we really want to SEE YOUR BAND! Maybe one of your collaborators can puppetise you, or maybe you have virtual avatars already waiting to take to the stage? We’d absolutely love you to use Oli's School Hall Stage template so it feels like we’re all hanging out at Mashup High.
This time you have a little longer than the traditional one-week window - so when you’re done, you can send it to us between Friday the 19th of February and Sunday the 7th of March using the challenges page.
Finally, there are no winners in this Battle of the Bands, just a fleeting opportunity to be among the raddest kids in Mashup High. Hopefully it won't be as terrifyingly hormonal and angsty as real life high school band gigs. GNARLY.
Have fun!
The Dreams User Guide is a work-in-progress. Keep an eye out for updates as we add more learning resources and articles over time.