DreamsCom '22
Would you look at that, folks? Summer is on its way and the Impys are behind us for another year, so that can only mean one thing: it’s DreamsCom time!
DreamsCom ‘22 will be opening its doors this summer and while we’re not quite ready to let you in on all the secrets in store for this year’s show, we ARE ready to start collecting your booths and demos for the event!
A blue puppet character trying out one of this year's new listening booths, in a dancing pose. The character's headphones are attached to the booth with wires.
We’re changing things up - for the better, of course - with this year’s DreamsCom and introducing not one, but TWO new exhibit types. Firstly, there’s a smaller version of the Booth - a Stand - for people who want to show something smaller, or who don’t need an entire Booth. Secondly, there’s a Listening Booth, which is all about the bangin’ tunes and music-makers in the Dreamiverse.
We’ll also be accepting demo submissions for your latest and upcoming Dreams creations, which will be showcased across the Dreamiverse in our DreamsCom banners and playlists. And naturally, The Impsider will be back in full force hosting a week full of streams - but more on that at a later date!
Images of the various exhibits for this year's DreamsCom. From left to right: a Listening Booth, Stand, and Booth.
Further down this page you’ll find the guidelines and tech specs for your exhibit submissions. Any questions you have can of course be directed to us on social media, via our dedicated forums post(opens in new tab), or on our livestreams over the next few weeks.
Once you’re all set and ready to submit, head over to our submissions page and submit your exhibits and demos. You’ll have until 12th June 2022 to get your exhibits sent in, and 19th June 2022 to submit your demos.
The exhibit templates can be found in this handy collection.
So there you have it! If that's not enough DreamsCom for you, then check out our new DreamsCom hub for more lovely DreamsCom goodness! That's a whole lotta DreamsCom...
The Dreams User Guide is a work-in-progress. Keep an eye out for updates as we add more learning resources and articles over time.