
What's New:#

  • Activity Feeds: We've added Dreams activity feeds on PlayStation™Network, so your activity feed will now show information about what you’re up to in Dreams!
  • Updated Audio Effect Fields Collection: To compliment the audio updates in v2.18, we’ve made some updates to effect fields, including new fields and a bit of reorganisation.
  • Updated Boot Screens: We've given the screens you see at the start of the game a bit of a spruce up! We’ve replaced the All Hallows' Dreams screen with a cool new "Year in Dreams" artwork, and updated the indreams.me boot screen with new art too.
  • Save Online Reminder: We've added a little reminder message to save online, to make sure players are backing up their work regularly. There's also a new setting in My Preferences to switch it on or off.

Updates & Improvements:#

  • Fixed: Some Mm content which previously didn’t have VR compatibility labels should have them now.
  • Other minor fixes and improvements

The Dreams User Guide is a work-in-progress. Keep an eye out for updates as we add more learning resources and articles over time.