This template gives you the building blocks to make your own Dreamiverse Dash levels. The core elements you'll find in the Dreamiverse Dash Starter Kit are:

  1. Character contains Connie, the star of the show. Scope in to Connie and find the Connie’s Brain microchip to find switches and value sliders to turn on and adjust her abilities.
  2. Decorated Cube is really all you need when creating a level. A simple cube which can be rotated to give you 6 different floors, and snaps easily to the grid.
  3. Quarter Pipe/End/Corner are a selection of pieces with which you can add curved edges to your path.
  4. Double Jump/Speed Pick-Up both enhance Connie's abilities. To change the durations of these tweak them on Connie (see 1, above).
  5. Horizontally/Vertically Moving Platforms are great if you want to create some extra peril. They both have value sliders tweaks in their Platform Logic microchips which allow you to increase or decrease the Travel Time, and the Pause Time at each end.
  6. Race Start/Finish Gates are essential for a race. The gates communicate with each other, so all you have to do is walk through a start, followed by a finish to have it set your time.
  7. Destination Post is useful if you don't want to make your level time-based. Use it as a goal to get to - when Connie steps on it, it’ll end the level.
  8. Checkpoint saves Connie’s progress when she walks over it. It doesn’t save the progress of other elements of the level though, you’ll need to set that up yourself! We recommend Checkpoints before super-tricky sections to allow for quick restarts.
  9. Hazard Cube for when falling to an untimely death isn't enough of a hazard. If Connie touches it, it’ll give her a shock. On the Hazard Logic microchip you can use the Damage Amount value slider to adjust how much damage it does (50 as a default) and the Force Applier Strength value slider to adjust the force applied when touched.
  10. Boost Pad is an alternative (or addition!) to the Speed Pick-Up for giving Connie extra oomph. On the Speed Boost Logic microchip there's a value slider for adjusting the speed.
  11. Bounce Pad & Fan are for making your race multi-layered vertically, or adding some hard platforming.
  12. Smashable Barrier Disc for the sheer fun of shooting through a smashable barrier at great speeds. It’s also a great way to hide what’s around the corner.
  13. Fireworks Who doesn’t like fireworks? Well, small animals... but Connie loves them! Add some extra pizazz to your Finish Gate with these. Remember to create a wire from the Complete output on the Finish Gate into the Power On input in the Fireworks, or they’ll be set off when your level starts!
  14. Chevron is a flashing arrow for pointing the way.
  15. Starfield is what makes Dreamiverse Dash look so dreamy. Add this gorgeous starfield once you’ve finished your level for some extra polish.
  16. Dreamiverse Dash Grades & Sky gives you the final finishing touch, making it feel like Dreamiverse Dash.

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