Dreamview Weekly Roundup #93
Ups! Pedimos desculpa pelo incómodo, mas a nossa equipa da Media Molecule está a trabalhar arduamente para traduzir este conteúdo! Volta a tentar mais tarde.
With the 4th Annual Impy Awards taking place this Sunday, things have been pretty hectic here at The Impsider HQ. All the show prep has meant we’ve had no time to stop and smell the roses. Or, in the case of the Nomi Nations - the archipelago in which this year’s celebrations are taking place - sample the gyros.
Fortunately, it seems our deeply disreputable subsidiary company, D.Tours, is on the case. Imagine our surprise when, while cracking our customary dozen eggs for breakfast this morning, we found in each one not a golden yolk - but golden recommendations on handwritten scrolls. (Well, apart from the twelfth egg. There was a fully-grown chicken in that one.)
A screenshot of our hand-curated Nomi Nations islands, currently available on the front page of DreamSurfing.
Armed with the insider knowledge of the Dreamiverse’s most mysterious tourist board, we took a relaxing stroll through five hand-curated islands - available to visit in game right now - and noted some of our favourite experiences for you here.
A pair of disembodied hands has flipped a coin, which has landed on its cross side. The counter reads 1.
by Johvork
Found in: Reflection Retreat
The prospect of walking down a real-life “memory lane” sounded too good to miss - and so off we popped to the misty, rose-tinted climes of Reflection Retreat. Sure, the clouds of nostalgia are so thick here that you can’t see your hand in front of your face, but our friends at D.Tours have assured us that having hands is overrated, anyway. A living monument to some of the creations that helped define the last year in Dreams, this place is filled with great memories. Remember Mine’A’Day and Bot Buddy, games which used the new Time and Date gadget to create games the community couldn’t help but return to, day after day? The excitement when VYZiUM-’s ‘Vyzpaint’ shook up the Dreamiverse with its believably wobbly physics? The social media frenzy over Martin’s hyper-realistic train station? This place remembers: good times are infused in its very brickwork. A significant landmark is the flippin’ giant sports arena on this island, erected in tribute to Johvork’s luck-based challenge COIN FLIP CHAMPION, in which your goal is to flips as many crosses in a row as possible - the playing of which resulted in one of our best (and loudest) livestream achievements(abre num novo separador).
(Precisas de ter o Dreams)
A strange, tall, green housing structure built of different modules and balancing on stilts. The UI explains how to keep building your structure.
Building Buildings 2#
by Appolonius
Found in: Art Avenue
On to the bustling artists’ quarter, where the line for the Nomi Nations Film Festival stretches around the block. No wonder: featuring hit Dreams films such as French fairytale Il etait une fois… and the stop-motion comic book thrills of CITI CRIMMINS, it’s a popular destination for visitors to the archipelago. Still, the notes from D.Tours seem keen to direct us down a shady alley instead - a hidden gem away from the tourist crush, perhaps? - where we find plenty of half-eaten pots of paint to play with. Colour-by-numbers activity Bengali briefly tempts us, before we settle down to fiddle with Building Buildings 2, glueing together dioramas of increasingly unlikely structures a la Townscaper.
(Precisas de ter o Dreams)
A sledge uses its slingshot to whizz around a tight corner on an icy racetrack.
Slingshot Sledge#
by Sharfik1995
Found in: Play Pavilion
What’s the most fun you can have while giddy on Impys hype and paint fumes? That’s right: operating a vehicle. We stagger past the ultra-competitive Curation Team Challenge section of the Play Pavilion island - briefly opening our umbrella to deflect the light rain of Default Puppets falling from the Obstacle Challenge - and towards the ultra-accessible Only One Button attractions. Hidden object puzzler Touch Everything offers quiet respite, and the hilarious, historical Project Pigeon is drawing in crowds eager to see what Tuesday’s Elca_Gaming creator interview(abre num novo separador) was all about. But we’re solely focused on making it to Slingshot Sledge, in which we press a button to fire out a grappling hook and use momentum to careen around corners at top speed - with only mild amounts of crashing.
(Precisas de ter o Dreams)
A playable synthesiser made out of a warm brown wood, studded with knobs, switches and lights.
Playable Drone Synthesizer#
by espen_tf
Found in: Headphones Hangout
At first, we thought the noise was our paint headache-slash-concussion. The thumping actually turns out to be Headphones Hangout, which we can hear from several islands away. Once there, we spend a fine half-hour Autosurfing the Sounds Of The Dreamiverse playlist from the past year, the shuffle function bringing back fond memories of Goth Egg fever and time spent exploring and kazooing on a different atoll, Bo’s Island. Once the tunes come to an end, we head off to make our own with the Playable Drone Synthesizer, a beautifully carved piece of kit that’s chock-a-block with switches to flick and knobs to twiddle. There’s an odd chanting that begins when we start messing with D.Tours’ recommended preset, and our fingertips begin to tingle - but we quickly flip it off in favour of a bubby backbeat.
(Precisas de ter o Dreams)
A giant moon hangs above a dreamy low-poly city, decorated with hand-drawn community art.
Low Poly Art City#
Found in: CoMmunity Corner
The final destination for our Friday afternoon in the Nomi Nations, this curious and colourful island is actually just one big right angle. Cosy! Jammed in there are all sorts of coMmunity-recommended treasures; we decide to squeeze ourselves in next to the Rising To The Challenge collection, an ode to some of the inventive jams and collabs that Dreams creators set up over the past 12 months. According to D.Tours, adopting a coMmunity-made Disturbling could be ‘the highlight of the holiday!’, but we can’t look at Holy for more than a few seconds without our trypophobia kicking in, and Peglet definitely seems like it’s plotting our demise. Better, we think, to end our tour with a mooch around the Low Poly Art City - and admire the coMmunity-painted graffiti that’s appeared across its walls, lit by the glow of fairy lights.
(Precisas de ter o Dreams)
Check out the playable edition of this week's Dreamview Weekly Roundup right here in Dreams!
A screenshot of the collection for this week's Dreamview Weekly Roundup, available to play in Dreams.
Which creations caught your eye in the Dreamiverse this week, and why? Tell us about your personal picks over on the official Dreams forums!(abre num novo separador)
O Guia de Utilizador do Dreams é um trabalho em progresso. Fica de olho nas atualizações, à medida que adicionamos mais recursos de aprendizagem e artigos.