Megapenguin Rehatched crash-lands in Dreams!
If you’ve been paying attention to our social media channels lately - and even those of other Dreams coMmunity members - you might have noticed something a bit strange.
Pebbles. Pebbles... everywhere.
From #PrizedPebbles to mysterious archways, these smooth little fellas have been popping up all over the Dreamiverse - and beyond. We’ve enjoyed reading all your conspiracy theories, which have ranged from silly to surprisingly convincing. Today, however, it’s finally time to reveal the truth behind it all. A simple truth, yes, but with potentially far-reaching consequences.
Introducing the Dreamiverse’s number one pebble fan: Megapenguin.
A screenshot of Megapenguin admiring a smooth pebble.
Seasoned Dreams fans may recall a certain beefy bird from our trip to E3 2018: we presented friends, fans and game developers with a Megapenguin and asked them to invent an adventure for him, with each person telling us what happened next and us feverishly recreating it all in Dreams. It was kind of like a game of Consequences. Delicious, zombified, wardrobe-dance-partying consequences.
A video of E3 2018's Mega Penguin game jam.
It was such a success that we decided to do what any self-respecting game studio would do: develop a gritty (well, sort of) reboot.
Megapenguin Rehatched follows the fateful adventures of a Megapenguin who’s become separated from his fleet, crash-landing somewhere in the wilds of the Dreamiverse. Starting today, you can play the first three levels of Megapenguin Rehatched in Dreams, lovingly crafted by a team of pebble-heads - it’s a COMPLIMENT, guys, jeez - here at Media Molecule. Hooray!
A screenshot of Megapenguin assessing the wreckage of his ship.
A screenshot of Megapenguin looking out at the horizon.
One small thing, though. Actually it’s a big one. We haven’t actually finished Megapenguin Rehatched yet. On purpose! We’ve kicked things off with these three levels - but, in the spirit of Megapenguin, we would like you to fill in the rest of the story and, above all, help us get Megapenguin back to his fleet where he belongs. What happens along the way is entirely up to you. We all know the Dreamiverse can get pretty weird: we’re sure Megapenguin is going to have quite the journey.
A screenshot of the 'Megapenguin Essentials' collection.
We’ve made you a collection of essential Megapenguin assets to get started with, because we’re nice like that. (Peep those collectable pebbles. Phwoar.) You can submit your Megapenguin Rehatched levels via our Challenges page. We’ll be adding all eligible coMmunity-made scenes into Quick Play (read our official creator guidelines for Megapenguin Rehatched to make sure your level will qualify!) and some of the most impressive scenes will, over time, be added to the Adventure.
Who knows how long Megapenguin’s quest might end up being, or where it may take him? We certainly don’t. That’s the entire point of this. (Who asked such a silly question? Oh, right, it was us.) We’re hoping that, along with our creative coMmunity, we can build something that present - and future - players of Dreams will be able to check on periodically to discover the next chapter in Megapenguin’s adventure. Our coMmunity creators have amazing range: this is, we hope, a cool and accessible entry-point for the world to discover exactly what the Dreamiverse is capable of when we work together as one.
Head on over to the Megapenguin hub for even more info on how to become part of the Megapenguin Rehatched collaboration. Keep an eye on our social channels, too: we’ll be updating you on Megapenguin Rehatched as we, much like the beefy bird himself, figure this out as we go along.
Stay frosty, pebble fans - we’ll see you on the other side of the portal.
A screenshot of Megapenguin in front of a pebble portal.
The Dreams User Guide is a work-in-progress. Keep an eye out for updates as we add more learning resources and articles over time.