Understanding Permissions
Permissions are about who can see and interact (and how they can interact) with a creation and its versions, when the creation is in a specific creation state, i.e. PRIVATE, PLAYABLE, PUBLIC, Unlisted, Listed and Moderated.
Understanding what you can do with a creation and its versions will help you release content into the Dreamiverse with confidence and collaborate with other creators. Which is what Dreams is all about!
This page will cover:
- Creation permission actions
- How creation permissions are determined
- Version permission actions
- How version permissions are determined
- Version permissions as an owner
- Version permissions as a collaborator
- Version permissions as a “stranger” to a creation
Creation Permission Actions#
- Viewing the creation.
- Finding the creation in Search & Genealogy.
- Editing the creation name, cover page, etc.
- Editing the version notes.
- Deleting the creation or its versions.
- Inviting and removing collaborators.
How Creation Permissions Are Determined#
The actions available to you depend on:
- Your relationship to the creation: Are you the owner? A collaborator? An invited collaborator? A complete stranger to the creation?
- The creation state of the creation: Are the creation’s Lead/Latest versions PRIVATE, PUBLIC or PLAYABLE? You can learn more about this here.
Version Permission Actions#
- Play the version.
- Edit the version.
- Remix the version. Remixing creates a NEW creation which is a replica of the original. The remix is owned by the dreamer who created the remix. The original creator is still credited.
- Stamp the version into other creations. This embeds a copy of the version in the version it’s being stamped in.
- Save a new PRIVATE version.
- Release the version as PLAYABLE.
- Release the version as PUBLIC.
Each version has two sets of permissions:
1 - Actions that can be done with the original version itself.
2 - Actions that can be done with any creation containing a STAMP of this version.
How Version Permissions Are Determined#
The actions available to you depend on:
- Your relationship to the version: Are you the owner? A collaborator? A complete stranger?
- The online state of the version: Is it PRIVATE, PUBLIC or PLAYABLE?
Once a user gains permissions over a version of a creation, their rights to use the STAMP of that creation version can never be taken away - even if the original creation version is deleted, or the user is removed as a collaborator.
Version Permissions as an Owner#
Owning a creation means that you can control all aspects of how and when a creation’s versions are released and used in the Dreamiverse.
The owner of a PRIVATE , PLAYABLE or PUBLIC version can:
- Play the version. (Or View it, if it’s an Element)
- Edit the version.
- Stamp the version.
- Remix the version.
- Save another PRIVATE (or LOCAL) version.
- Release the version as PLAYABLE. (Unless it was previously PUBLIC - once something has been made PUBLIC it cannot be made PLAYABLE.)
- Release the version as PUBLIC.
If the owner of a PRIVATE , PLAYABLE or PUBLIC version stamps it into another creation that they own, they can:
- Play the version containing the stamp.
- Edit the version containing the stamp.
- Stamp the version containing the stamp.
- Remix the version containing the stamp.
- Save another PRIVATE (or LOCAL) version of the version containing the stamp.
- Release the version containing the stamp as PLAYABLE.
- Release the version containing the stamp as PUBLIC.
1 - Andy owns a PRIVATE Pine Tree Element.
2 - Andy stamps the Pine Tree Element into a Forest Scene he owns.
3 - Andy is able to release the Forest Scene as PLAYABLE or PUBLIC as he owns the PRIVATE Pine Tree stamped into his Scene.
Illustrating the example for version permissions as an owner.
Version Permissions as a Collaborator#
Being a collaborator on a creation means that you can edit and use versions of the original creation, but you cannot release versions of the creation.
As a collaborator, stamping PRIVATE versions into your own creations will impact the release options for those creations. For advice on resolving this, read up here.
As an owner, remember that collaborators can edit your original version, meaning they are able to stamp their own PRIVATE versions into your creation if they want to, which will block the PUBLIC release of your creation. For advice on resolving this, read here.
A collaborator on a PRIVATE or PLAYABLE version can:
- Play the version. (Or View it, if it’s an Element)
- Edit the version.
- Stamp the version.
- Save another PRIVATE (or LOCAL) version.
A collaborator on a PRIVATE or PLAYABLE version cannot:
- Remix the version.
- Release the version as PLAYABLE.
- Release the version as PUBLIC .
A collaborator who stamps the PRIVATE or PLAYABLE version they are collaborating on into a creation version which they own can:
- Play the version containing the stamp. (Or View it, if it’s an Element)
- Edit the version containing the stamp.
- Stamp the version containing the stamp.
- Save another PRIVATE (or LOCAL) version of the version containing the stamp.
- Release the version containing the stamp as PLAYABLE.
A collaborator who stamps the PRIVATE or PLAYABLE version they are collaborating on into a creation version which they own cannot:
- Release the version containing the stamp as PUBLIC.
1 - Andy owns a PRIVATE Forest Scene.
2 - Kate owns a PRIVATE Acorn Element.
3 - Kate adds Andy as a collaborator on her PRIVATE Acorn Element.
4 - Andy stamps the PRIVATE Acorn Element into his Forest Scene.
5 - Andy can only release his Forest Scene as PLAYABLE , but not PUBLIC as it contains a stamp of a PRIVATE version he does not own.
Illustrating the example for version permissions as a collaborator.
Read this page on private versions blocking a PLAYABLE or PUBLIC release to find out more.
A special case in all this where Dreams are concerned. A PLAYABLE or PRIVATE Scene can only be stamped into a Dream if the author of the Dream is a collaborator on the PLAYABLE/PRIVATE Scene too.
Tom owns a PLAYABLE Dream, which Sue is a collaborator on. Sue owns a PLAYABLE Scene they’d like to stamp into the Dream. It cannot be stamped unless Tom is added as a collaborator on the Scene.
A collaborator on a PUBLIC version can:
- Play the version. (Or View it, if it’s an Element)
- Edit the version.
- Stamp the version.
- Remix the version if the latest online version is PUBLIC and they do not have a LOCAL save of it.
- Save another PRIVATE (or LOCAL) version.
A collaborator on a PUBLIC version cannot:
- Remix the version if the latest online version isn’t PUBLIC or they have a LOCAL save of it.
- Release the version as PLAYABLE.
- Release the version as PUBLIC.
A collaborator who stamps the PUBLIC version they are collaborating on into a creation version which they own can:
- Play the version containing the stamp. (Or View it, if it’s an Element)
- Edit the version containing the stamp.
- Stamp the version containing the stamp.
- Remix the version containing the stamp.
- Save the version containing the stamp as PRIVATE (or LOCAL).
- Release the version containing the stamp as PLAYABLE.
- Release the version containing the stamp as PUBLIC.
As a collaborator, if you have stamped a PRIVATE version into your own creation and then the owner releases a PUBLIC version, you will have to update your permissions to be able to release your creation as PUBLIC too.
If you have been removed as a collaborator, or the owner has deleted the original creation, see here for ways to solve any potential issues.
Version Permissions as a “Stranger” to a Creation#
What we mean by a “stranger” to a creation is that you don’t own the creation and are not a collaborator on it. You just found it while browsing the Dreamiverse.
A stranger on a PRIVATE version cannot:
- Play the version. (Or View it, if it’s an Element)
- Edit the version.
- Stamp the version.
- Save another PRIVATE version.
- Remix the version.
- Release the version as PLAYABLE.
- Release the version as PUBLIC.
A stranger also can’t search for the creation or any of its versions, or view it in a creation’s genealogy, as they don’t have the creation permissions to do so.
A stranger on a PLAYABLE version can:
- Play the version. (Or View it, if it’s an Element)
A stranger on a PLAYABLE version cannot:
- Edit the version.
- Stamp the version.
- Remix the version.
- Save another PRIVATE (or LOCAL) version.
- Release the version as PLAYABLE.
- Release the version as PUBLIC.
A stranger on a PUBLIC version can:
- Play the version. (Or View it, if it’s an Element)
- Stamp the version.
- Remix the version.
A stranger on a PUBLIC version cannot:
- Edit the version.
- Save another PRIVATE (or LOCAL) version.
- Release the version as PLAYABLE.
- Release the version as PUBLIC.
A stranger who stamps the PUBLIC version into a creation version which they own can:
- Play the version containing the stamp. (Or View it, if it’s an Element)
- Edit the version containing the stamp.
- Stamp the version containing the stamp.
- Remix the version containing the stamp.
- Save another PRIVATE (or LOCAL) version containing the stamp.
- Release the version containing the stamp as PLAYABLE.
- Release the version containing the stamp as PUBLIC.
Own or be a collaborator on all stamps in your creation.
Collaborators are able to stamp their own PRIVATE Elements into your creation. To enable you to see the Elements in Update Mode and gain access to any updates, you must also be a collaborator on it.
It ensures you have full visibility on what is inside your creation at all times!
See the pages below for more information on:
Save online rather than LOCAL.
When you want to save a new version, save it online as PRIVATE. It keeps your version safe, and enables our permission systems to easily validate your right to use the content within your creation.
It also helps avoid editing conflicts on a shared creation.
The Dreams User Guide is a work-in-progress. Keep an eye out for updates as we add more learning resources and articles over time.