I want to take my foundation to the next level

I want to use a different character for the race#

As long as a character puppet has a controller sensor it can trigger the race, as the logic is simply looking for a possessed controller sensor. In fact it doesn't even have to be a puppet!

Whatever you decide to use will benefit from the logic which is used to hold the character at the start gate until the countdown is over. If you’re curious - a tag on the Race Gate activates a trigger zone and a follower on Connie. The follower is at 100% strength, and that overpowers the character’s ability to walk/run - it’s a good way to lock the player’s position when you want to.

Using the pick-ups on your alternative character will take a lot more work and is fairly advanced. You’d need your character to detect that it’s picked up a pick-up and apply the correct effect. Start by placing the pick-up up you want and investigating its logic. Try to identify the trigger logic used. Then you need to investigate Connie’s logic and identify the logic which corresponds to the pick-up. You can clone the logic from Connie to your new character, but you’ll still need to animate the relevant properties to match the effects on Connie.

It’s highly recommended that you play our Character, Gameplay and Animation tutorials to learn more.

How do I make the race course more interesting?#

Single-player races are all about competing to get the quickest time on the scoreboards. This gives you replayability, as players try to find the paths through the course which are most optimum in terms of time to complete.

Think about adding shortcuts and multiple paths. This creates more racing line possibilities and therefore more replay value. To do this effectively you’ll need to test your level and your paths to make sure they’re balanced. Making multiple paths is an opportunity to test a different skill in each path. Maybe one path is slower but easier - more vertical, using Double-Jump Pick-Ups and Bouncepads. Maybe another route is faster but harder - using Speed Pick-Ups and Boost Pads, with turns that test stick control.

Take a look at the Dreamiverse Dash Playground for inspiration. Note there’s often more than one route, and the way that pick-ups are placed on the routes to emphasise risk and reward.

The Dreams User Guide is a work-in-progress. Keep an eye out for updates as we add more learning resources and articles over time.