Template Contents

Templates contain special scenes to help you get started creating your own.


An example level giving you a preview of the gameplay and gameplay elements before you start creating. We also recommend playing Ancient Dangers: A Bat’s Tale before diving into the template. Firstly because there may be spoilers and we don’t want to ruin it for you, and secondly because there is no better way to learn the elements and get inspired than playing the full game.

Play & Edit 1-3#

The Play & Edit scenes walk you through using the various elements. Each has a corresponding collection (a small subset of the full Ancient Dangers Kit), which contains all the elements you’ll need in that particular Play & Edit. They’re pinned in the Dreamiverse when you go to search to make it easy for you. It’s beneficial to have at least done the Start Dreaming 1-4 tutorials before you embark on these.

Play & Edit 1

Starting simple, we learn to use the easiest elements first. Most lessons involve stamping, with some introduction to edit features like guides and show/hide filters. We do introduce some wiring here, so it's beneficial to have done the Wiring and Logic tutorial.

Play & Edit 2

Getting trickier - we start to introduce some key edit mode features like undo/redo, scope, freeze and more advanced wiring. Again, it's beneficial to have done the Wiring and Logic tutorial.

Play & Edit 3

This is the hardest Play & Edit. We’re focusing on the thermometer and learning examples of ways to get more out of it, by optimising elements and learning to emit them where they are needed instead of just stamping. The Emitters tutorial is a must before doing this Play & Edit.


Close to a blank scene with just a start point set up for you. It's up to you to lay out the dungeon yourself, defining your own end/objective and populating with gameplay elements.

The Dreams User Guide is a work-in-progress. Keep an eye out for updates as we add more learning resources and articles over time.