Play & Edit Walkthrough
This guide takes you through each Play & Edit lesson, to help you out if stuck or if you just want a heads-up on the contents.
Lesson 1#
A missing Piece!#
Your Play & Edit starts with a warm-up lesson, using clone to bridge a gap in the course with an element you can already find in the scene. Head to the guides menu, and either turn on grid snap or precise move. You can even just stick with obey auto guides, as the piece already has an auto guide with the grid on, but it’s good to be familiar with the guides as you’ll need them when assembling your own courses. Hover over the piece indicated on the left, hold and press and hold . You now have a clone of the piece on your imp. Let go of and move the clone to the start of the gap. You’ll need two clones, so repeat the steps to fill the gap completely.
Series of images showing how to clone an existing piece to fill a gap
Lesson 2#
Sometimes the ball needs a nudge…#
If the ball lands someplace the puppet can’t be teleported to we use a Ball Nudger to give it a push. There’s one in the scene already, but we need to adjust it a bit. Go to the show/hide menu and turn on x-ray. This lets us see all the gadgets in a scene. As you can see, this Ball Nudger won’t be pushing anything - the Force Speed value slider is at 0! Hover over the slider, press and hold , and drag to the right to increase the Force Speed value. Note that you can also adjust this sort of tweak by hovering and pressing /
Series of images showing how to place and tweak a ball nudger
By the way, notice how messy the screen gets when x-ray is turned on! This can get distracting, so don’t forget to turn x-ray off again after use.
Lesson 3#
Another gap to fix!#
This time we’re going to plug that gap with a course piece from the Mini Golf: Play & Edit Elements(opens in new tab) Go to search and head into the collection, then select Building Blocks. The piece you want is called Triple to Single Lane. You may need to rotate it in order for it to fit the way it should, if so don’t stamp it yet. While holding it, press and hold , then use or to turn it. Stamp it in the gap with and carry on.
Series of images showing how to find and stamp a course section to fill another gap
Lesson 4#
High friction!#
Mini-Golf uses the Dreams physics engine, so you can adjust physics properties on the course sections to have different effects on the ball. In this lesson we’re going to have a go at adjusting one of those. We want the ball to slow down a bit when it hits grass, right? Hover over the course pieces outlined and press to select them. You can do that one at a time, or drag your imp around to select them quickly. When you have them all selected, hover over them and press + to tweak them, which opens the tweak menu. Now go to the physical properties tab, where you’ll find a tweak called friction. Drag the slider to increase the friction. Close the menu by hovering over it and pressing + and then play on.
Series of images showing how to adjust the friction on some grass tiles
Lesson 5#
No obstacle!#
Let’s continue getting comfortable searching for elements and stamping them in. In the guides menu, make sure obey auto guides is on. Then go to search and find the Obstacles sub-collection in Mini-Golf: Play & Edit Elements. If you’re still in the Building Blocks sub-collection just press to go back to the main collection. Choose whichever obstacle you fancy. Some of them have a specific direction they have to face so the player can putt through them. There will be an arrow guide on the element to help with this. Remember you can hold and use to rotate the element before you stamp it with
Series of images showing how to find and stamp an obstacle
Lesson 6#
Where’s the flag?#
Lots of course pieces have holes through them so that you can add intermediate holes in your course. You could put them on the main path, or they could lead to a shortcut. To make them visible use an Intermediate Hole Flag. This hole’s flag is missing so let’s find one and rectify that. Head to search, back out of Obstacles with if you need to, and grab the Intermediate Hole Flag. Stamp it into the hole with and carry on playing.
Series of images showing how to stamp an intermediate flag
Lesson 7#
Cameras… action!#
Getting a wee bit more complicated now. The Ball Camera Device is an important element - it emits the ball camera as the ball passes, so that it can follow the ball. It’s a good idea to have these at fairly frequent intervals, just to make sure the camera follows the ball smoothly. The device is already in the scene - we just want you to flip a switch to decide where the camera is emitted from. Go to show/hide and turn on x-ray. Now you can see the switches, so you just need to decide which one to flip! It’s purely a matter of visual taste, but Emit Above does make it a bit less likely to collide with scenery. You can even choose more than one if you like - doing that means the position will be chosen randomly, which gives you some cheap variation in your courses. Hover over a switch and press to turn it on.
Series of images showing how to choose where the ball camera device emits the camera from
Lesson 8#
Follow that ball!#
Now we need to add a Ball Camera Device. Head to search and find the Ball Camera Device. It’s in the Gameplay elements sub-collection. You need to stamp it facing the correct way, with the arrow facing in the direction the ball will be going, so rotate it if you need to, using + before or after stamping with . Plonk it in the outline and carry on.
Series of images showing how to find and stamp a ball camera device
Lesson 9#
Hazard warning#
It’s hardly fair to have a hazard like this pool without a way of getting over it, so let’s rectify that. Go to guides, switch on obey auto guides, and then head to search. Grab a Ramp first - you’ll find it in the Building Blocks sub-collection. You might need to rotate it with +, and make sure it’s flush with the edge so the ball doesn’t get stopped. Head back to search and grab a Ball Nudger from the Gameplay Elements sub-collection. Make sure the arrows are facing the direction the ball needs to go, again rotating it if you need to. Stamp it in the outline with and continue playing.
Series of images showing how to use a ball nudger and a ramp to cross a water hazard
Lesson 10#
Where’s the final hole?#
Almost done! Just need to add that final hole! We need it to trigger the logic to end the level, not to mention give you the satisfaction of completing it. Make sure obey auto guides is still on, and head to search. You want the Final Hole & Flag element - it’s on the right in the main collection screen. No need to worry about rotating this time, just stamp it in the outline with , head back to play mode and sink that ball!
Series of images showing how to add the final flag and hole
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